Archives For Rants

This is my little request to people who give their review in places like Amazon,, and other online stores throughout the web. Is it too much to ask to write a review that talks about the product at hand?? We’re not at the movies, we’re not paying to ‘just’ watch the film. We are also paying to ‘buy’ the DVD, so we would like to know how’s the image transfer, the audio, what options for setup we have, what extras we get, what kind of packaging we get for said price, etc.

In all my years of DVD buying (somehow this doesn’t apply much to CDs), I have maybe read one or two reviews by a customer that talk about technical stuff. 99.9% of the time you would find a review of the film saying what a wonderful film it was, and how great the acting is. Yes, it’s important to give your opinion of the film, in case someone who hasn’t seen it wants to watch it. But, let’s face it… they could go on a google search and find it anywhere else.

What if I already have seen the film, and want to get the DVD??? Is the DVD worth the price tag? No one mentions that a $16 dollar tag for a single disc with no extras might be to pricey, considering there are single disc DVDs that cost as much as $5. Does it have a blow-your-mind type of DVD Menu maybe? Did it come with something extra that make you treasure it?? Like some pretty nifty printed s tuff?? Only 0.01% of customers mention this type of stuff, and it BUGS ME because it screws up my buying experience.

Dear DVD Reviewer: Review the DVD, not the Film.

Pricey Hobbies

June 16, 2008 — 5 Comments

Wah… That’s all I have to react, Wah~~~ hahaha

So because I’m a dork, I usually try to purchase stuff I really quite like listening or watching, or just for the sake of having it. So, for the past week, I have been totally addicted to Yu Aoi material – Films and Shows – so dorky me went “What the heck?” and I visited to check on DVDs. I watched an episode of Camouflage, which I thought was BIZARRE, but surprisingly good as in “it almost looks like a film” type of show.

The show (also known as Aoi Yu x 4 Lies, or something like that) is told into four 3-episode-chapters (making the number of chapters 12), each chapter directed by a different director, who had no restrains to tell a story centering on the idea of lies.

So I watched it, and thought it was really good, but all episodes are not downloading so I went and looked them up. They’re coming out on DVD (Japan Region, 2) this July 15th, on 4 different sets. However, problem number one! They don’t have English subs. And problema numero dos, each set of 3 episodes is roughly $40USD, making the whole 12 episodes $160USD… roughly, give or take. So my mouth dropped, and profanity came out of it hahaha.

Because of this, I went and searched for Nodame Cantabile (just to check on average prices), which was roughly $240USD for the 11 episodes on the show. LE GASP! My heart broke, my brain cried, and my spirit was broken realizing how broke my bank account would be. Can you imagine?? Buying 3 different Jdrama DVD sets at $240USD each? Lucky, or unlucky for me~~ most of them are not English subtitled. Maybe not knowing Japanese is a perk? LOL’

The good thing is that has some Yu Aoi movie DVDs, but it’s VERY limited… at a reasonable price, but limited. And I doubt they will list Camouflage… le sigh. I might consider buying “Hana and Alice” and “Hula Girls”, though I will be missing Rainbow Song. T_T

How This Blog Works~

June 10, 2008 — 1 Comment

Just a little bit on how this blog works. I haven’t properly blog, about me or my work… other than the occasional rant, you could say this is a very subjective variety blog. The topics are usually varied, but I get fanatical from time to time… mainly because there’s no one to talk with…

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LOL’ No, they are not in Lima, but I have just gotten my Yesasia order, which rocks my world!!! It was relatively fast, as it only took 11 days… when usually takes 2 weeks or a month! It didn’t use to be like that, used to be prompt in orders, sometimes getting my stuff in a couple of days, instead of a couple of weeks. Even worse, Amazon has increased its shipping cost……….. when Yesasia offers free international shipping~~~~ So if you’re buying Asian music or films, don’t hesitate and buy Yesasia!

Okay… online shopping rant over Continue Reading…

Dying with Envy!

May 12, 2008 — Leave a comment

I always do this to myself… check on Ticketmaster to see what concerts I can’t attend to. I blame it on Madonna this time~~ The headlines of Madonna breaking another record got me to go to the Live Nation website, and you could check up on the upcoming concerts they had, so it got me thinking what was on Ticketmaster. And BAM!

Plaza Nightclub has 4 shows I want to attend~~~
Tokyo Police Club – May 15 – $17.85
Melanie C – May 17 – $35
Los Campesinos! – June 1st – $15.50
The Ting Tings – June 9 – $13.50

and the Commodore Ballroom will have The Kooks on May 24 for only $18.50

Sucks not to be there

Amy’s having a rubbish couple of days. LOL’ And needs the help of people online…

I’m looking for someone who can help me out with a new WordPress 2.5 installation. Now, this blog and my portfolio runs perfectly fine and dandy on WP 2.5. Last night, I did an installation for someone, using another server and WP 2.5 doesn’t work properly. Case and point; now… if you don’t see anything wrong, take a look at BOTH… one from the new installation, and the other one from this blog.

Wordpress 2.5 with no Media Add Interface Wordpress 2.5 with Media Add Interface

So I thought maybe it’s my WP 2.5 installation, that’s why I did it again. But I had the same problem, even though I started with a brand new database, and all. So I decided to downgrade to WP 2.3, and yet… I seem to have the same missing stuff.

Wordpress 2.3 no Visual Editor

Is it the server’s fault? WordPress bug? What did I do? T-T I still need to do a clean install of WordPress 2.3… Oh yeah, and the programming nightmare it’s from the theme, of course. Not that I program anything on WP – LOL’ I keep on getting an error with getting the recent comments, and I checked out that I might have to activate something I can’t actually see on my buggy installation of WP. BUM!


6hrs, later, people! I got WP 2.5 perfectly running, when all of a sudden it crashed with a 500 error. BUM. I did a clean clean, new database install of WP 2.3, and it seemed to work dandy… SO, I upgraded to 2.5 from there, and had the same gone-interface. SO… I went on and did a clean clean, new database install of WP 2.5 twice… second time work good. I was getting my theme on, and the plugins working when BAM! Internal Server Error. My mistake, their mistake?


1hr. later! After the server 500-crashed on me, I did my last WP 2.5 install. Again, new database… clean clean. It seems to be holding up okay. Keeping an eye over it…

I just had a ~~terrible~~ vision. I got infected! The horror!! And because I was lazy, I used the same protest photograph for my Sholly protest, but whatever~~ Here it is:

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The 2008 TIME 100

April 6, 2008 — 2 Comments

TIME Magazine, or better said… TIME’s website is holding a vote for the 100 Most Influential people of 2008, I’m guessing. There’s a broad spectrum of professions, races, nationalities, etc… but come on, seriously?

I like Bi (Rain) and all, I thought he was quite good on Park Chan-Wook’s film, and I’m actually giddy that he’s on the new Speed Racer film. He dances pretty great… and oh Sang Doo, he went to school! LOL’ However, it baffles me that he’s in the #1 spot when probably 75% of people in America and Occident haven’t the faintest idea who he is.

Don’t get me started on #2, LOL. If Chicken Fried should be included, it should be Kentucky Friend Chicken. I mean, I liked Britney and all back in ’99, and I’m still hoping she gets her crap together, but #2??? Seriously? What does that say about us, people??

And #3? Oh my God! J.K. Rowling has been pushed from her thrown by Stephenie Meyer, author of The Twilight Series. A pseudo-fantasy book that is as good as some fanfiction story written for 13-year-old girls who dream and giggle about crushing hard on a good vampire. LOL’ – I mean, really… Influential? Maybe… but the #3 spot?

So this is how the list should be shifted around:

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As a Latin American realist with idealistic notions, I have to say that people are stupid. Politics shouldn’t be about messages of hope, but what you do and your plans. Whenever I hear Obama speaking, it reminds me of how Alan Garcia talked back in the Peruvian election. Another similarity is that Garcia’s vote came from a vast majority of young people. I’m young, but young people are stupid… so according to straightforward thinking, I’m stupid. So if you’re commenting to state this straightforwardness, please don’t bother. I don’t mind people calling me stupid, but at least I will not be making my decision based on what Oprah or George Clooney are sponsoring. And both are fine at what they do for a living~

Prior to them backing Obama, he was nothing more than a who?… he’s basically a newbie, and I’m sorry, but I think he needs more grilling. People state that he has no record… is that even a good thing? That’d be like giving a CEO position to someone without a CV – that’s a perfectly good analogy.

No one denies that Obama is a good spokesman, he makes the masses happy… just like Alan Garcia does, or even Hitler. So it’s not about the masses, it’s not about the talking, it’s all about what this person has done prior to the presidential race. And Hilary’s got the experience.

People will tell me that Hilary would probably keep the status quo – ok, fine! But what guarantee does Obama give people that he would keep all he says he wants to do? At least we know Hilary has been battling it out throughout the years… maybe it’s for the money, maybe it’s the title and position, but she’s been doing something.

Another example comes from (Antonio??) Meier, Mayor of San Isidro, whose son, actor Christian Meier, was campaigning for him, despite being known for his brains, or lack thereof. The ‘famous’ campaign’s tip-over was when Christian gave an interview with Jaime Bayly, and the famous ruffling-of-the-hair and Bayly saying he would vote for Meier, and Christian saying he would sweep the streets shirtless if his father won. STUPID. Meier won, and now everyone in San Isidro regrets it. Business are suffering because of nonsensical rules that will ‘protect’ the neighbors. Rules like no neon signs, or any signs at all that are not stuck to a wall… or how about building road bumps. Because road bumps save lives, San Isidro is filled with them – I counted 30 from my place to a restaurant the other day. You get the idea.

Lastly, but not less important – people say Hilary comes with baggage – how’s that bad? We’ve all got baggage, everyone’s got their own dirty little secret… the Clinton’s happened to be out in the open. At least we know a bit of their little secrets, I’d be afraid of someone with no secrets. A few more years, a little more Obama grilling, and we’ll be learning some of his dirty little secrets.

The power of the fool indeed.

Deezer Not Playing Songs?

January 17, 2008 — 1 Comment

Apparently Deezer’s brand new player (2.0) doesn’t allow right-clicking greyed-out songs. However, the following code seems to be setting a ‘french’ cookie so you can listen to them…

Taken from this Deezer forum topic;

javascript:function SetCookie (name, value){var aujourdhui = new Date();var expdate=new Date();expdate.setTime(aujourdhui.getTime()+(24*60*60*1000));document.cookie = name + “=” + value + “;expires=”+expdate.toGMTString()+”;path=/”;}SetCookie(‘COUNTRY’, “FR”);