Archives For Motion

On April 13~~~

Strangely enough, it wasn’t that bad… but now, after these teases.
The wait is gonna get worse. These will be the most Glee-less weeks ever.

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Just saw The Red Balloon, and well… just beginning to be a little obsessed about it~~~ so in light of that, I have “curated” a gallery on Flickr, properly titled Le Ballon Rouge.

I also have started a new list on TheAuteurs titled Ultimate Films for the Kiddos~ which I will hopefully fill up with films kids should grow up watching. I would love your suggestions.

If Only… Thirst

March 24, 2010 — 6 Comments

Well, this is it people. I can’t hold it back any longer… specially with the latest announcement. I have to get this “If Only” edition done. In any case, other fans can still send me their 5 picks when they feel like it.

So here we go~

1. Thrist

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Oh man, I was so lucky my parents didn’t speak any English.

I mean… come on!
“Anyone can make you sweat, but I can keep you wet”

that’s not even an undertone.

I truly was an innocent child. O=D

I was all over the choreography. xD

Moody xD
but why 4:3 standard?

So so SO cool with simple shapes and music.
I love circles =D

the evolution of the universe?
Darwin would be sorta proud xD
I love doodles! Reminds me of high school~~~

[iframe width=”560″ height=”349″ src=”″]

Gorgeous visuals.


I meant to post this sooner, but the version going round was the one on YouTube, which got me a region restriction [SUCKERS!]. Anyway, here’s the new material from Gorillaz which features none other than Bruce Willis.

I’ve never been a huge Gorillaz fan, but I gotta admit that they’re pretty visual. I don’t see this as more than a regular good looking video though.

I sure wish the song was about Chocolate, but it’s just a song how “our love” is like chocolate. However, the video is really cool with cookies and ingredients animated =D

I hope they didn’t just throw away all those cookies after the shoot.