Yu-chan Updates with a Feb. Message

February 6, 2010 — 9 Comments

Ohisashiburi desu. Like… really.

皆様 お久しぶりです。 アオイユウです。

暖かくなったり 雪が降ったり

体調など 崩されていませんか。

先日 私も出演させていただいている映画

観てくださった方 ありがとうございます。

皆様くれぐれも お身体ご自愛ください。


2010.2 アオイユウ

To be honest, I like that she forms simple sentences. It helps me practicing my reading ^^

So here goes my translation… with romaji! LOL

Minasama ohisashiburi desu. AOI YUU desu.
Everyone, it’s been a long time. This is Yu Aoi.

Atatakunattari yuki ga kudattari
Nandaka  isogashii sougai desu ga.

It’s warmer, the snow is passing
It’s somewhat busy outside.

Taichou nado kuzusareteimasenka.
Watashi ha sukoburu genki desu.

My physical condition and so on haven’t changed.
I’m extremely well.

Senshitsu watashi mo shutsuen saseteitadaite iru eiga
“Otouto” ga koukai ni narimashita.

The other day I had the privilege to make a stage appearance for a film
“Younger Brother” was released.

Mite kudasattakata arigatou gozaimasu.
Tanoshinde itadaketa deshouka.

Thank you to those who watched it.
I hope you really enjoyed it.

Fuyu mo nokori wazuka desu.
Minasama kureguremo o-karada go jiai kudasai.
Watashi ha haru kara satsuei ni iru “Raiou” no junbi,
Jouba no keiko wo gambarimasu.

There’s still a bit of winter left.
Please, really take care of yourselves everyone.
I will prepare to shoot “Raiou” in the spring,
I will do my best to practice horse riding.


Right? I don’t need to tell you ha is read as wa, and that wo is o… and so on, right?

9 responses to Yu-chan Updates with a Feb. Message

  1. Hey Amy! I’ve been keeping up with your Aoi Yu thread for a while now, but this is my first time responding to a post! I’m a big fan of her and her work and I think you are doing an excellent job for the Aoi Yu fans out there! Thank you! And please continue to keep us informed of our favorite actress!

  2. Hi, Isami.
    Thank you for your message,
    you should participate more. xD

  3. Hey Amy! I really should participate more! I was also wondering, have you ever sent mail/message on Aoi Yu’s official website?

  4. I have. The first time it was right after I became a fan. The second time it was right after the LG commercials, when she said French is difficult. LOL I sent a message saying she should try Spanish ;P Always through a mix of English and broken Japanese.

  5. Lol cool! Do you know if anybody ever got a reply back from her?

  6. Have no idea if she’s ever replied to someone.
    According to my friend they do get all those emails printed out.

    I know Juri Ueno (at least for her AO AKUA dvd) got all packages and printed emails sent to her apartment. I doubt they read all of them… I mean, I don’t know if I would read all of them, but nothing to lose with trying.

    You gotta take into account that among so many idol blogs, Yu seems to update once or twice a year. Unlike, I dunno… Aya Ueto or Masami Nagasawa who seem to blog often about their nail-painting and food.

    Also, I may be picky, but I don’t think Yu’s website on Itoh-C is very useful. You don’t find announcements (you gotta scout for them on blogs or news sites), the CV is outdated, links page is outdated too, the message section contains webmaster notices when it should be only Yu’s, and the photos get updated ages after a certain event. Plus, older photos get deleted.

    Lol, sorry about the rant on fandom. xD

  7. Hahaha no not at all, thanks for the insight! Yeah, I kind of had the notion that Aoi probably doesn’t go through her fanmail, but it’s worth a shot I suppose. It would be nice to know if there was a way to meet her or contact her some way, but I guess it’ll only happen by chance and good luck. Thanks again for the info, I’m looking forward to your next post!

  8. you should increase your chances of “running into her” if you visit pastry stores, cafes and bistros in Japan. LOL, since she likes to eat sweets and stuff. Especially shaved-iced goodies.

  9. Hahaha sounds like a good plan! Now to just save up some money to go to Japan

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