Okay, This Is Too Much~ David Tao’s Opus 69

July 30, 2009 — 2 Comments

First, Bibi (who loves David Tao, and now shares record company with)
Then Seo Taiji~~~
Now turns out David Tao’s about to release a new album called Opus 69-
I’m lacking the oxygen to process any spazz~

Three years in the waiting!! LOL

David Tao - Opus 69

And I love the almost pretentious name explanation, Ha!

David Tao comes back with his new album in three years titled Opus 69. The number in the title references a number of things, among which is that it’s the singer-songwriter’s 6th album and 9th CD. Besides, David was born in the summer of ’69, and the symbol of his zodiac sign, Cancer, resembles “69”. Moreover, in the ancient text of I-Ching, 6 and 9 symbolize “change” and “rebirth”, and the numbers when pronounced in Japanese are similar to “rock”, which is what this highly anticipated album is about!

Damn! Check out the pre-orders in YesAsia.

Have you noticed I’m very Chinese at the moment? xD

2 responses to Okay, This Is Too Much~ David Tao’s Opus 69

  1. u be Chinese, I be Korean and who can be Japanese???

  2. I think my film-watching is still fairly Japanese-oriented.
    I’m amazed with the indie Chinese music culture.

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