My Top5 Scary Films that I Own

October 31, 2010 — 10 Comments

Ahh, Halloween — everyone’s doing lists about their fave scary movies… their fave scary moments, and the reviews of many scary movies. Now, horror isn’t exactly my favorite genre, so I’m not well-versed. xD This is why I’m just ranking the scary films that I own… based on scale of how scared I got. LOL

First bonus first!

The Others

Thought that it was scary, but IMDb is not marking it as horror. However, it is one of my favorite Kidman films/performances — and that old lady in the closet! BAM!

5. Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?

Look, I love how awesomely hot Joan Crawford was back in her day, while Bette Davis was all rocking whenever she was on camera. But Gawd — me being superficial — both scare the Baby Cheesus out of me on this film. They look… so terrifying, and yet the movie is so awesome. Homely torture, and old ladies off their rockers~~~ but not really THAT suspense scary, right? We would dread having this sort of sisterly-relationship, but wouldn’t have nightmares over it…

so moving on~~~

4. Janghwa, Hongryeon (A Tale of Two Sisters)

Ahh… sisters — maybe I have a weird fetish. I just noticed it… must be because I don’t have one! But this one, unlike Baby Jane, scared me in different levels. First, Asians are creepy… and Koreans are scary. Then, crazy horror is always the best. A Tale of Two Sisters has just so much ambiance, and that feeling of “something’s happening” while everything being so quiet, and then BAM! Dead bodies! BAM! Weird stuff under the sink.

Asian scary seem to be scarier~~~ which bring us to~~~

3. Gin Gwai (The Eye)

Ahhh… the first time I saw The Eye (not the Jessica Alba one), I was alone in the Canadian suburbs. Not a common thing for me being a Peruvian city girl. It was night, and my friend told me how scary The Eye was — because we were mostly Asians, and got our Asian fix in Chinatown — she lent me her copy of The Eye to watch over the weekend. So so SOOOOO scary. The suburbs are so quiet, it just made the experience all the worse.

The seeing of dead people as regular people… it happens, guys! And my friend just kept re-enacting the scene of the old man in the elevator whenever we were in the elevator at school! And she made noises too! LOL But she also does Gollum, hahahaha.

Anyway… The Eye – scary stuff.

Then there’s some more scary Asian stuff… almost~

2. The Ring

Yes, you read me right. American remake~ Now, I’ve seen Ringu, which was scary too — and probably makes way more sense too. However, it’s the whole thing they did with the scary/funny faces in Ringu that they fixed with totally creepy and messed up makeup on The Ring. It just scared me a whole lot more. It’s got a better ambiance, creepier sound design, and I go all freaked out with the scene at the well and the wet hair because I have a thing against wet hair. The longer the wet hair, the more freaked out I get~

Then there’s Samara. The crawling out of the tv… the white noise on my television when I got from the theater. Hons, I couldn’t really sleep with my tv on for a few days because white noise was freaking me out~ xD

And since we’re talking about white noise on tvs~

1. Poltergeist

My Poltergeist fear, and the subsequent fun-kick I get from it, comes from childhood. Living in the not-quiet suburbs, having my parents out working long nights while I stayed at home with my grandpa… I used to sneak into my room while my grandpa watched the news, and watch Channel 2 (Canal 2, Frecuencia Latina)’s Funcion Estelar. And they ran Poltergeist, and I watched it then… it freaked me out.

I’m pretty sure my old house had ghosts… we had crazy dogs that were scared of being left alone in the rooftop. Then there was people saying there were weird noises… Scary stuff I’m telling you. My grandpa once yelled at my grandma’s ghost for scaring my uncle when he was little. After the yelling, my uncle never complained about my grandma’s ghost. Scary stuff~~~

That’s it you, guys! What scary films do you guys own on DVD? Those that you keep watching and watching, and just don’t get tired of it~~~ xD

10 responses to My Top5 Scary Films that I Own

  1. Poltergeist used to give me nightmares as a kid…unsurprisingly! Great film. I also love your other choices too – The Ring and The Eye were terrific films (and I even liked The Ring remake). Baby Jane and Sisters are chilling. The Others, although not one of my favourites, has some good moments.

    • I think most people… older than 20, grew up with Poltergeist xD Even though most people namedrop The Exorcist…

      I think the scariest part of Poltergeist is the stories behind the scenes hahahaha.

  2. Tesis (1996).
    Possession (1981)
    Matanza en texas (1974)
    Ringu (1998)

  3. I just saw Poltergeist for the first time on Saturday night! Not nearly as scary as I thought it would be. I guess that's because I'm not 6 anymore ah! I am scared to even watch The Ring, it looks like one f'ed movie especially the Japanese original.

  4. Poltergeist so does not get the attention it deserves!

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