Oh, the Mysteries of Shipping~ Declan+Miranda~~

September 7, 2009 — 5 Comments

So I started re-watching Mysterious Ways the past week. It’s hilarious how I can’t get away from Harmony, ever. The other day was too much that I went back to PK to talk about it xD “ships that remind you of Harmony” xD It’s funny how I never noticed how I shipped Declan and Miranda.

Declan is a total adventurer dork. Miranda is a super intelligent goth. I love them together. And they totally flirted, at least Miranda did… xD but that episode, man! The Greater Good episode~~~

*swoon!* Swoon not that Miranda almost died, LOL’ xD But *swoon* how Declan put Miranda ahead of all humanity~~~ He had the chance of curing and saving everyone in the world, and he chose her. xD And she woke up, even though we knew that Miranda didn’t want to be resuscitated, and she saw him. She grabbed his hand, and didn’t want to let go. I loved it! xD – You’ll love it too~~~

The Greater Good - Mysterious Ways

The Greater Good - Mysterious Ways

The Greater Good - Mysterious Ways

The Greater Good - Mysterious Ways

The Greater Good - Mysterious Ways

The Greater Good - Mysterious Ways

5 responses to Oh, the Mysteries of Shipping~ Declan+Miranda~~

  1. Ã…h lol!!
    I think that harmony was my first ship ever! Therefore the butthurt after the last book.
    Don’t know if I have another ship that reminds me of them, I don’t think so…

  2. I didn’t know about shipping until HP, but you know… I watched a lot of TV growing up, and I just recently noticed how every couple I notice is just Harmony. I love to hate it xD can’t escape.

    Bones/Booth is Harmony. lol
    House/Cuddy is Harmony xD
    Shane and Molly is Harmony…
    Sam/Harrison hahahaha
    Atsu-hime/Naogoro xD
    Dr. Koto/Ayaka so totally xD
    Yoshitsune/Utsubo too hahaha

  3. U are being a tad delusional….

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  1. personal.amy-wong.com – A Blog by Amy Wong. » Blog Archive » Television Meme - September 23, 2010

    […] could say I support Buffy/Angel, as much as I can say Mal/Inara (Firefly), Sam/Harrison (Popular), Declan/Miranda (Mysterious Ways), Grissom/Catherine or Grissom/Lady Heather (CSI), House/Cuddy, Ruka/Takeru (Last […]

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