Carly Pope Thinks Vancouver is Awesome~

July 24, 2009 — Leave a comment

me too, me too.
though it’s always a love/hate relation with any city I stay in.

I’m headed to bed early tonight. “big” day… er… today.
let’s see how it goes~
in the meantime~~~

Here’s Carly Pope!

Carly Pope by Shea Pollard

What are your fondest memories growing up in the city?
My parents used to always take us down to Granville Island on the weekends.  Kids Only market was my hotspot, no doubt.  We’d also take drives along the Seawall, and I would be nothing short of fascinated with the Girl In a Wetsuit Sculpture sitting out in the sea.  I tried (every time) to convince everyone she was actually the Little Mermaid…my version, anyway.

I actually thought it was a mermaid too. LOL Granville Island pawns.

What’s the most awesome restaurant in Vancouver?
How do you choose?!  Vancouver’s seriously got the most awesome restos.  I’m practically a pundit for anything and everything Japanese. Hapa Izakaya, Kingyo, Miko, Bistro Sakana, Tojo’s (kind of preferred the days of old there though…something more unruffled about their former setup, but I get it), Shijo, Yuji’s, Yoshi’s, Daikichi (for takeout).  Asian fare, though, across the board, makes me a happy girl.

Bolding, mine. ZOMG~ She’s so awesome. xD
I’ve been to Hapa Izakaya once, it was pretty nice. Loads of people. Pretty nice food.
But double ZOMG! Daikichi!!!
I did most my Jap takeout from there since I lived right across the street. xD
I did hang out with the Asian crowd. We went out to eat almost every weekend…

Read the whole interview at Vancouver Is Awesome.

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