is go international for once and for all.

iTunes is not international. For one, if you’re from Peru (just found this one out, hahahaha) there IS a new iTunes Store Peru, which you can possibly use ONLY with a Peruvian CC. Makes sense that there is a Peru iTunes Store, now that they sell iPhones here. Only BIGGEST problem of them all…


Same with iTunes Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Israel, Korea, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela and Vietnam.

Yes, I went through all the stores by country when I found the one from Peru to check that I’m not the only one getting screwed here. What good is something called iTUNES if I can’t get tunes… *rolls eyes*

Then there’s the issue with “only one-region” exclusive download, which could be in either of their country stores and you won’t be able to buy unless you got the cc and billing address from that region.

If Amazon is intelligent and goes international without regional restrictions (meaning no US IP addresses or minding the billing address) they will gain market. Availability is all. iTunes is still more available than Amazon since Amazon only works with a US IP.

Would You…?

December 15, 2008 — Leave a comment

Chuck out +$150 for a PB? LOL

I just got some PB news, which I will talk in a minute. That made me wonder if Aoi Miyazaki had any PBs, so I went to YesAsia to look it up. has it also listed, and at +$115 … will Shipping get u from behind though?

Anyway, just read the Juri Ueno, who is planning to release a trip/photobook-y DVD called AO AKUA ( this coming January, will also be releasing a companion PB with the same name. PB will include photos, illustrations and messages written by Juri, who apparently also worked a bit with the designers and had her say in layout, typesetting, and a lot of work. Makes me giddy that Juri did it. LOL

Also… I found this. LOL

Atsu-Hime/Naogoro 101

December 15, 2008 — 8 Comments

Long post, spoiling the love part and some politics, so if you don’t wish spoiling, don’t read after the break. Well, you’ve been warned~~

Anyway, I made it! I woke up at 6am just to watch Ep50 of Atsu-Hime in Jap sans subs, hence me not really knowing what was going. But I did okay, I think… Yes, Amy cried. Less than expected though! xD

I saw it twice, actually… on the repeat at 1pm, and took some photos of my crappy tv reception.

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So… you probably should know Marit Larsen’s music video and song for Under the Surface to find this funnier.

EitaLOL, I don’t even know if that’s grammatically correct, but it will do~~

So… I got ready to watch Atsu-Hime. Why? Because! Because in about… 5hrs? Yes, I should wake up at 6am, NHK will be showing the last episode of Atsu-Hime (ep50) and I just got up to date with episode 37, and read the summary for the rest (up to ep49, which I saw last week without understanding anything).

Anyway, I also saw some interview on Friday afternoon that NHK did to Aoi Miyazaki… which I didn’t understand either~~ LOL’ at least not the majority of what they were talking about.

Atsu-Hime is cool, you know? She doesn’t piss me off like a certain previous Taiga Drama I saw before starring some singer who happens to sing the closing theme of Osen. *cough cough* Anyway~~ I know I may be girly for saying this, but I really liked the drama for the Aoi Miyazaki (Okatsu, Atsu-Hime, Midai-sama? and Tenshoin-sama) and Eita (Naogoro, Tatewaki… and does he change his name more??) Yeah, all those names…. but I always really looked forward to their scenes together, which almost always make me cry~~~ hence the title. I’ve been sad for Atsu-Hime alone… you know, like when that thing with Kikumoto happened, and the thing with Ikushima. I’m just blaming Eita because I seem to always cry with anything he’s on. LOL – Let’s see… I’ve cried in Last Friends (with that Eita and Juri scene in the park), and I’ve cried with Memories of Matsuko… though, I don’t think that was because of Eita, but the whole “all characters singing the song, and the going up the stairs” gets me everytime with the “Okaeri”

Hmm… well, I didn’t cry in Nodame, maybe cried with the laughing hard xD The fact is, he’s made me cry quite a bit on Atsu-Hime alone… you know that friends-turned-lovers thing, and then with the in-love-but-afar-and-never-to-see-you-again thing? UGH, all of that with the combination of Aoi Miyazaki and Eita’s acting. I’m telling you, it will get you. And it’s not the love thing either, because they both were on that film Sukida, which I thought was boring as boring can be~~~ It’s the whole political thing, and all the other people and fate that are keeping them apart that kills me. And if the preview from last week is any indication, I think I will be crying quite a bit this one last time. xD

Epic love. Something a certain someone who didn’t make Harmony happen couldn’t achieve. LOL’

Well, The L Word does a shitty job at keeping things quiet. LOL

Spoilers and rumors are already making their rounds on the net… wouldn’t be surprised to find a whole episode posted online. Of course, this is a spoiler post, so stopped reading if you have to.

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Where is the Milk LUV? And The Dark Knight LUV? I truly thought that Milk would score a Best Picture Drama, and some other awards…

Is the GG people who nominate a little… mo’phobe? Just saying… isn’t GG aired in ABC? Anyway, there is definitely more ‘conservative’ choosing of films in this one… at least in the drama category.

Click here for the complete of nominees, which include:

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Doubt, Frost/Nixon, The Reader, Revolutionary Road, Slumdog Millionaire, Vicky Cristina Barcelona… in the film categories. And~~~ 30 Rock, Dexter, House, Weeds in the TV categories…

And a nomination for Catherine Keener for Best Actress in a Mini-Series or Made-for-TV Film, in the film An American Crime (which she starred with Ellen Page!) and totally FREAKED me out.

I just find it a bit odd that Critics’ Choice Awards have been pretty much different to these nominees… MORE NOMINATIONS and WINNERS in the following weeks~~~

And how is it that Waltz with Bashir gets a Best Foreign nod, and not a Best Animated Feature? Waltz with Bashir > Bolt or Kung Fu Panda.

If Only

December 10, 2008 — 1 Comment

Just taking apart my notebook. LOL’

If Only

I never thought that coming back
would take a piece of heart apart
and as time passed, each piece of heart
just started fading away.

I understood saying goodbyes
was always a part of this life,
but it’s never stopped this mind
thinking about the time, if only…

If only I hadn’t left,
if only I’d pass this test,
we’d still have the time.
One more summer, one last fall…
winter passes, springtime falls
One more cycle, life and death.
If only.

Taking the Leap

December 10, 2008 — 2 Comments

So I asked my friend Jose (no, forget the joSE… say like JOse… lol) and he said okay, so I am sharing.

One day, I was doing whatever I do at 3AM, and came up with a song that I titled Taking the Leap. No, I am not suicidal… Anyway, I liked how it turned out in my mind, but I’m musically talent-less, so I sent it to Jose, and he work with his music sutff that he does.

We are not PRO, obviously… we don’t have fancy software… just some freeware called Audacity, and some crappy web-mics recording in mono. Care to listen to it? MP3 listening, lyrics and download after the break.

Taking the Leap Demo

  1. Taking the Leap
  2. Taking the Leap [instrumental]
  3. Untitled [bonus]

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Hmm… I feel I have been kinda crappy at watching movies like last time. But not AS bad as last time.

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