Raiou Stills

August 17, 2010 — 5 Comments

These are the first stills of Raiou I have found. I love that Yu-chan is like the prince on this batch xD. Masaki Okada is so totally Sleeping Beauty on that second still. LOL Also, not sold on his samurai bald cap.

5 responses to Raiou Stills

  1. great job again, I don't have much time to comment and participate on a regular basis but i still visit your blog. Always addicted to Yuu-chan :)

  2. thanks for the tip… the problem I have is that I stored umpteen versions (videos ) of the series and have no clue which subs would match which… darn :(

    I'm surprised no one in Hong Kong or Korea has issued a subbed DVD so far.

  3. as a matter of fact there is a subless edition but then look at the price :O


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