Raiou Gets a Teaser

May 14, 2010 — 6 Comments

Woah~ seems like Yu is everywhere this May.
I’m loving it.

Like I’ve said before, Yu’s face on Raiou seems flawless. And she seems more grown up, I was a little taken by that. I feel so proud. LOL even though I’m younger… This is the Yu I like, the one that acts. I’m all over the voice she uses on that teaser. The screaming, it reminds me of Shiro.

[iframe width=”480″ height=”269″ src=”https://www.nipponcinema.com/v2/play.swf?config=https://www.nipponcinema.com/cfg/raiou-teaser”]

Expectations for this just went higher.

via NipponCinema

6 responses to Raiou Gets a Teaser

  1. I’m with you…my expectations for this film just went higher! I don’t know if “Raiou” will be any good, but at least we get to see Yu as a main character with lots to do.

  2. and she gets to shoot arrows and ride a horse.
    and she uses her screaming voice.

  3. Que fanatismo el tuyo con Yu Aoi hasta ya me contagiaste, ahora Aoi está entre favoritas.

  4. como dije en alguna parte d este blog,
    como no hay ningun blog dedicado…
    me he tomado la molestia de afanarme publicamente.

    sino la haria como fan normal xD
    me mantengo al dia con mis noticias natalie portman
    a traves de natalieportman.com – ellos hacen todo el trabajo

    pero esta bien pues, t contagio… y tu contagias a otros xD

  5. um, looks promising. She does look great.

Trackbacks and Pingbacks:

  1. On Iwai’s Vampire and Yu Aoi’s Mina | personal.amy-wong.com - A Blog by Amy Wong. - August 2, 2013

    […] Yu’s got 2 significant scenes, and shows up briefly in some others, which warrants half the screencaptures she got in one episode of Galileo. LOL As a bonus, though~ Yu-chan looks really good for a suicide case, you know? Like… Kristin Kreuk looks tiny, fragile and a total wreck here, which aids in her scene. But Yu-chan looks good. It looks as if she did this the same time she did Raiou. […]

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