Multiple Yu Aoi post day!
ending the month with 85 posts!
As you know (most people anyway) Yu pimps Kirin beverages. She’s been feature in a full series of Kirin Tea… “Afternoon Black Tea” and other tea-related beverages. One of the commercials that was released this past October was this cute one with the dancing xD
Dancing and smiling Yu to make your day a happy one. xD
Bunch of other Kirin CMs below the break
To be honest, I do drink tea all day. Not Kirin, not sold locally. xD
Aww lol
A lot of Yuu-chan going on today!
And lol, I have drank several of those! Kirin is what kept me sane during Japan, good tea is good as long as u don’t accidentally buy the bitter ones cus your friend misread the kanji…. I must have spent a lot of money on those but at 100 yen each… not that overly expensive but still.
The tea/milk one was so good!
Tea/milk is so good. xD
my grandpa used to make it.
dude, check your email typo again before posting a new comment.
multiple Yu-chan posts are usually because we are scraping for news. xD I am still waiting for a new project announcement. I mean, it’s almost the end of the year, and I’ve no idea what’s it gonna be in 2010.