Yu Aoi for LG CMs

First, I meant to post these yesterday, but my computer screwed up. I’ll talk about it later.

Second of all… It’s been a while since a proper Yu post, apparently most of you don’t care about other Yu-tagged posts, and want Yu-centric… which kinda sucks, but maybe that’s just because I’m in a bad mood. So I will try to forgive…

Onto business…

Yu did a series of LG commercials, since I’m all lost on translation, I didn’t really know that 1. it was gonna be a Japanese campaign for new LG phones shot in France. 2. Yu did her French xD 3. I don’t understand her French. 4. She did mention she thinks French pronunciation is difficult. 5. I have suggested she learns Spanish because pronunciation is pretty close to basic hiragana/katakana – 6. when asked what her favorite feature was she said it was the address book because she tends to save many numbers for sweet shops, gohan shops and cake shops, LOL – so anyway!

Pretty cute CMs, but check the one below the break which is all of them into one video xD


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  1. personal.amy-wong.com – A Blog by Amy Wong. » Blog Archive » Yu Aoi’s Updated Wiki Entry - May 22, 2011

    […] The year, however, proved to be a quiet one. With no television appearances, little films and work mostly focused on magazine shoots and commercials shooting. By this time, she continued promoting Kirin Beverages, cementing herself as the main image for the Kirin Mid-Afternoon Tea brand, and started promoting LG Cellphones. […]

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