Discovery Kids Back in the 90’s

This is an un-official “Why the 90’s Ruled or Not”.

Remember those days when Discovery Kids (Latin America) was actually for kids – you know, 10-13 year old kids – and not babies~~ I mean, COME ON! Teletubbies??? Shoot me in the face already!!

Back in the day, when I was a 10 year old kid… my family first got cable. If I recall correctly, Discovery Kids Latin America used to be in channel 65 or 85 or something, and it had awesome programming for intellectual kids like me~~ Truth be told, most my younger cousins didn’t watch Discovery Kids ever, but I did… and I’m an avid TV watcher since I was a kid. That’s my market~

What did I used to watch on Discovery Kids? Well, I had my first introduction to the Internet thanks to them! Cyberkids was one of the programs I used to watch, and probably shaped me in the way that I am today… you know? Blogger, Web Designer, Web Surfer~~~

Yes, I used to watch that. I’m actually SURPRISED I remember the song, HAHA. In fact, I watched Cyberkids all the way to the guest-reporting of Manuel Jose Chavez – who I recall being a crush of mine when he was on the 1993’s Colombian show De Pies a Cabeza on Fox Kids [intro 1] [intro 2] – am surprised he’s in Tiempo Final, and did not recognize him. During that period Daniel Habif (Nunca te Olvidare) was co-host with a girl (who I can’t remember any related projects, so can’t find her name either)…

Anyway yeah… because of Cyberkids, I began browsing the net. I discovered Napster, I’ve been through all music download company there’s been~~~ become a netizen. Voila!

I also was an avid El Fantasma Escritor viewer… but couldn’t find the intro in Spanish, so the original English version will have to do~

As well as PaleoKids, to which I couldn’t find anything. As well as Splat! – which I remember as SPLAT! Animado. Actually, there are some  Discovery Kids shows that I can’t find info on including,

F.R.O.G – with Lani Billard.
La Magia del Cine (Movie Magic)

Other shows they used to have on Discovery Kids then were:

El Narrador de Cuentos – Jim Henson’s The Storyteller
Shakespeare en AnimacionShakespeare the Animated Tales [Get it on DVD]
Las Religiones del Mundo Animadas Religions of the World: Our World Faiths Animated [DVD]
Yo Amo a mi Ciudad or Yo Amo a mi Pais, not sure how it goes.
ArtemaniaArt Attack (the original version with Neil Buchanan)
Mecanica Popular para NiñosPopular Mechanics for Kids (you know back when Elisha Cuthbert and Jay Baruchel were hosting, and all the other hosting rotation)


Just remembered~~~ La Computadora del TiempoA.J.’s Time Travelers!
Cro – I still remember the theme song in Spanish ~~ Cro era un niño listo!!

Any other programs I should be listing? Can’t remember anything else, but then again~ it’s already 5am, can’t blame me for not trying~~~

Part of the Time Machine: Back to the 90′s Blogathon

5 responses to Discovery Kids Back in the 90’s

  1. ¡¡¡Hola!!!

    Wooooow, qué genial es encontrar a gente que haya disfrutado del gran canal que fue Discovery Kids (1996-2002) ,,, me llamo Michael Velasquez y soy de Lima, Perú

    si deseas, te puedo ayudar a recordar más del canal, su programación, sus comerciales, y demás =D

    ¡Saludos desde Lima, Perú!

  2. Hey, Michael~

    Cualquier info del antiguo Dsicovery Kids es bueno!

    Me acuerdo que aprendi a hacer la grulla (tsuru) de origami en su segmento de comerciales…
    asi como los manimales, q eran las sombras d manos~~
    Y unos segmentos de ciencia… el unico que recuerdo es esa del globo y la electricidad estatica. LOL

    Luego de shows… estaba El Mundo Animal de los Kratt, cuando hablaban mas de animales prehistoricos… o ya desaparecidos como el Tigre de Tazmania. Hmm… animales asombrosos con Henry la lagartija~~
    La Manzana de Newton… con el capitulo del pie con merengue, y la explicacion de hacer saltar piedras.

    FROG, con el capitulo del carrito electro-iman, y la casa ecologica (adelantados eran esos…)

    El conocimiento es poder! LOL

  3. que bien se siente acordarse de aquellos tiempos
    yo me acuerdo de una caricatura de un pato o ornitorrico rosa
    pero n oi me acuerdo del nombre si alguien me puediera decir el nombre estaria muya gradecido yo soy del 90 y si me acuerdo de henry la lagartija, el fantasma escritor etc.

  4. Los unicos pato/ornitorrincos medio rosa q recuerdo son los q salen
    en el Show de Taz-mania

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  1. Throwback Crush~ | - A Blog by Amy Wong. - November 23, 2013

    […] I had the biggest crush on him when De Pies a Cabeza [1][2] was airing. Just watching the intro of the show makes me giddy. He didn’t turn out […]

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