Obsession, Obsession! What’s an Obsession?

February 6, 2009 — 3 Comments

I often use the word lightly. I can be ‘obsessed’ with anything. Perhaps everyone is obsessed with something~ You can be obsessed with DBSK… xD, some other can be obsessed with Jay Chou~~~ some other obsessed with vampires~~~ we get called geeks or weird for being ‘obsessed’ with those~ but someone who is a little too obsessed about themselves get called narcissistic. Just a bit unfair, non?

Like I said, I can be obsessed with anything~~ Talk to me about film, and I’ll talk for hours about my favorite films, other films… anything – music, television~ if you’ve read this blog, you’ve seen my ranting. Anything goes, design, photography. LOL’ you would have guessed that I just got called on my obsession~ and I didn’t like it. xD I’ve explained my obsession on the lack of information… partly, I think that’s the reason. Right now, I’m mostly a lurker in many websites… and I seldom comment. But the lack of info always gets me going~~

Like I said… graphics and scans are nice, but if there’s no one worrying about the work and updates, that’s where I see a problem. It just bugs me.

I dunno what’s an obsession~ but maybe we (all who have been called obsessed at one point or the other) can make a lists of possible characteristics that we may be or not be guilty of. xD

  1. You’ve written fiction of your favorite fictional characters/real people on fictional situations/essay/character study/etc.
  2. Anything you might see, hear or experience reminds you of them/him/her.
  3. Your bedroom resembles a sanctuary you’ve made in their name.
  4. There’s a folder somewhere on your computer with their name.
  5. Fanart? xD – icons, wallpaper, banners, animated gifs, etc etc included.
  6. Know all their songs by heart (if they’re singers), know their most popular lines (if they act), or know anything by heart related to the work they do.
  7. discography and/or discography by heart? Photoshoots??
  8. Fansite? xD
  9. Many of your friends know the subject as ‘your obsession‘?
  10. Spent more than $200USD in just one order of their stuff (not included items not belonging to them)?
  11. Overlooked shipping to get an item.
  12. eBay collectors/misc./not so common items??
  13. Trade/Buy/Sell items with other fans?
  14. You OWN a t-shirt with their/his/her face. Not band t-shirts, but faces~~
  15. Queue months?/weeks/days before an event.
  16. Missed something (family reunion/class/friend gathering/work/etc) to go to their/his/her live event anywhere?
  17. Followed them touring?
  18. Attended one of their event other than the places you’ve lived in? (eg. traveling from San Francisco to LA for an event)
  19. Your internet user id shows up in a lot of related subjects.
  20. Restriction order??? xD

Okay, that’s all I can work on at the moment. I think I’ve got a plenty few~~ You got some others, or did I get you on some of those? You can list them in the comments~~~

Bold elements, I’m guilty of… LOL 6/20 – not that bad? see???

3 responses to Obsession, Obsession! What’s an Obsession?

  1. 15 out of 20 and that is for all my asian obsessions…..
    So u are finally admitting u love DBSK?? hahahaha

  2. nej, nej. xD

    i was actually referring to you… xD and some other friends with their respective ‘stuff’ – ^^

    at the moment, i considered im ‘obsessed’ with yu aoi, juri ueno, the l word, hmmm… award season~~~

    i admittedly look a bit more obsessed with yu aoi for the lack of stuff around. juri’s community is so diligent translating, scanning, and everything – I don’t feel the need to pinpoint things they should be doing. LOL’ I actually enjoy lurking coz it requires no active input on my part xD

    but then again, I blame it all on HP. Because of HP, that’s when I realized there were such things as forums and online communities.

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  1. personal.amy-wong.com – A Blog by Amy Wong. » Blog Archive » Tina Fey, Comic-Con and Fandom - July 23, 2010

    […] can all be fans of something, it’s so easy to go nuts over that topic, and in that fan-crazy frenzy we forget to keep ourselves grounded, and make complete fools in […]

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