November’s Begun

November 2, 2007 — Leave a comment

Wow, hard to imagine the year is almost over, eh? What a waste it was… mostly, really. I feel like I’ve achieved very little to nothing, and such small pleasures in my meaningless life have been stripped from me maliciously in a year.

I’m still looking forward to seeing Bjork in Lima, though still my hopes are not up. Anything can happen in 11 days… – I went to see The Invasion, much to my displeasure. I was supposed to watch The Brave One for free, but like I said… anything can happen – and we got a change of plans the same day of the show. The film wasn’t as bad as I was expecting, I truly enjoy watching Nicole Kidman on screen. Though I can’t help compare her face in the film, which was flawless to the one she’s got on red carpet events.

The Invasion was predictable, and wasn’t really suspenseful… kinda gross when all those people/aliens were spitting and puking that stuff in the coffees and teas… yuck! And I guess I must be sick or something, since I was the only one laughing when Nicole grabbed her on-screen son’s friend and shoved him inside to trap him. If you’re expecting a night of goof around with the friends, watch it for the few laughs. 2/5

Another Nicole/Daniel Craig film I’m anxiously awaiting is The Golden Compass (real title: Northern Lights) – though the boards seem to be bombarded by reports of New Line Cinema butchering the books… which if they are doing due to religious/marketable reasons – well, they would suck. I really dislike Christians who complain about fictional books that touch religious subjects, and more so when such people attack verbally to people that work in a project. I mean, what does Nicole Kidman have to do with promoting atheism? If you are only too stupid and lack the gray matter to compensate for the white in your brain to do something because a fictional character does it, then too bad.

Instead of this people bitching about why Nicole Kidman chooses to make a movie that touches on religious themes and maybe makes you question the world we live in, why not complain over the fact that the Paris Hiltons, Lindsay Lohans, Britney Spears are the role models of today… because oh yeah, that’s like hot. Totally.

Like I said a few hours ago, I blame it all on Disney… All Disney new stars are doomed to get their crotch shots, or nudie pictures in their late teens or early twenties. Britney, Lohan… that girl from High School Musical that I don’t even know her name.

Look at me, starting from a simple review to end with a rant. LOL’ – Amazing.

On other news, kinda… have you guys heard Britney Spears’ new album? I was decided not to download, but reports of it being #1 this week, as well as rumored ‘good reviews’ made me curious. I just think it’s funny how Gimme More it’s on like #1 or something, yet when I ask anyone on my MSN list their thoughts on it, they tell me they hate the freaking song. LOL’ – Me thinks there’s too many closeted Britney fans out there. So, I downloaded the thing to listen to it and judge myself… which makes me think all of you out there are freaking retarded. I hated it. It’s not even danceable, I couldn’t find a single catchy tune… Britney sounds more robotic than ever, and every freaking song sounded the same. Oh, I also thought the song Piece of Me reminded me of the bomb that was Madonna doing her rap song in whichever year she did that.

Who’s new album was enjoyable? Juanes’ new album – La Vida Es un Ratico – was pretty enjoyable as was the newest Backstreet Boys album, Unbreakable. Though I bet neither will show on charts…

Britney Spears is like weed, she’s not as dangerous as cocaine… but you can get curious and it gets you hooked to other more dangerous stuff.

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