Ahda does some serious cute baking,
and I’m not talking about my 2nd batch of cookies. xD
Just take a look at her Fall Apple Pie. Lurv!
Ahda does some serious cute baking,
and I’m not talking about my 2nd batch of cookies. xD
Just take a look at her Fall Apple Pie. Lurv!
Just got a box full of cookies my friend made and sent over~
it is indeed Fried Rice Day. LOL
My friend YoungDoo (Ydoo for short xD) has a really interesting project going on. I will let her explain herself…
whenever my friends go on trips to their homes/ home towns/ home countries, i send my camera, Rollei XF 35, with them and have them to save their memories of home/ people to share with me.
none of the photos of ‘hemma’ project will be taken by me, however, i think the concept really works and i can’t wait to see more of my friends’ homes/ home towns/ home countries through their eyes.
^^ ~ Here is the slideshow!
It took me 3 months (almost 4) to finish reading The Sally Lockhart Mysteries series – shameful I tell you! Four books in that time, shameful!
Thank you, Diana, for letting me borrow these. ^^
So Sally… from the books by Pullman that I’ve read, I noticed that I like his style. Though the more you read him, the more you can predict… guess it’s always like that. The first book on this series, The Ruby in the Smoke, was quite interesting in story and themes. I highly doubt they would’ve let me read this book in school, which deals with the opium trade, dealing, and usage… stuff like murders, extorsion… LOL’ not your very typical ‘children’ literature.
The next book, The Shadow in the North, went sort of the same path with murders and extorsion, but focused a lot more on the financing aspect. However the book wasn’t as good, even though you get to care a little bit more about the characters, and grow up with them. There is also a eh… bedroom scene? xD It reminded me of those PG-13 fanfiction stories. It was intimate on its own, awkward… but you know, it does its purpose for the next book~~~ xD
Book 3, The Tiger in the Well, has some very interestingly written chapters… or maybe just paragraphs. However, by this point, I was beginning to think it was so predictable. I clearly remember I began reading the first chapter, and said out loud “I bet this and that is the one behind!” and then BAM! “I knew it!“. Despite the no-surprise, I enjoyed reading this even more than TSitN… Perhaps it was because it was more complex to me, and I enjoyed Sally discovering how as herself she was a lady, but as someone else she was just a woman… and yes, everybody seemed to be lusting over her. LOL’
Finally Book4, The Tin Princess, which is not really a Sally Lockhart mystery… she’s barely in it. This one was okay, I have nothing against Adelaide, or Becky… and I do like Jim. There are some very well written parts in this one two, but I often found myself skimming. The ending… the ending? I didn’t care enough to… care?
You know how His Dark Materials has sort of a bittersweet ending… more bitter than sweet? This one has a bittersweet ending sweeter than bitter~ LOL’
I always browse around the web, and I’ve bought some niftyness over the past years. Today I met up with Diana, who gave me a belated b-day. Even more belated than Julyssa’s Greta Garbo Book. And YAY!
Dianisha gave Amy a belated b-day clock. His name is Bob… Continue Reading…
Did you vote for Marlee last night? Because if you didn’t, you just missed the chance to vote for her 12 times! That’s a lot of times to vote! Today is elimination day, and two will be going home… but I don’t know how elimination works in the show, so let’s cross fingers.
Don’t forget to vote for Marlee next Monday night at 8pm/7pm Central (whatever that means… 8pm GMT-5 seems to work for my voting) – and keep your fingers crossed for tonight! And how sweet was Jennifer Beals to go and cheer for Marlee? Awfully sweet! Here’s a capture of her waving!!
Here is Marlee doing her Quick Step on Windows Media Video (wmv) format, you will need Pando to download. Continue Reading…
There is only one thing to say… THANK YOU SO MUCH, Julz!!!!! I just got it in the mail today, and the post office almost spoiled it, because they were about to rip the wrapping to find out what it was! And I was like NO! Can’t you just read the invoice to see what’s inside, plus it’s a gift, you damn fuckers! LOL’ – They looked at me funny because you won’t believe how EXCITED I got when I knew. You could see it in my eyes, Julz – this has been the most surprising, bestest present like EVER… FOREVER AND EVER and always~~~
Hardcover books rock, photography rocks, celebrity portraits rock… so this gift effing rocks!! It’s got sooooo many photographs, and they are all neatly printed on nice paper. My dad even thought they might be real pictures pasted on the paper, haha. Big font for the content, so no need for eye-squinting… and the first chapter, if I read correctly – it’s written by Garbo’s great-nephew. I thought it was such a great read! Here’s an excerpt:
There is a lot about Greta Garbo I did not learn until after she passed away. Her last film was released in 1941, seventeen years before I was born. Until I was a teenager, she was just “Kata.” This was the nickname she was given as a child – after Swedish suffragette Kata Dalstrom – presumably for her strong will.
Kata was my great aunt. Of all my relatives, she was one of my favorites, beloved by my brothers and sisters as well. I remember the times we spent together with a smile. I recall her sidelong glances and her raised eyebrows as her stories were spun to the next level of impossibility. Kata had a great sense of humor, and there were always jokes when she was around. In New Jersey, we accompanied her on long walks and once built a bonfire that could be seen for several blocks. Kata taught me and my siblings how to do cartwheels. She was distressed that we had not learned to do them properly, and we spent a memorable afternoon refining our technique under her critical eye. Kata was an intriguing combination of seriousness and fun.
Garbo – Portraits from her Private Collection – II – A Portrait of Garbo by Scott Reisfield p.26
Felt like sharing something from youngdoo’s Flickr! – Something Craig Swann said…
So let’s play more! lol’