Archives For motion graphics

This really wouldn’t work on a 2hrs broadcast, but I seriously think that CCTV should buy this for broadcast of this year’s highlights. It’d be awesome to see this on the TV. xD Like Officially, you know?

And some shots look like miniature models, right? xD

Check it out yourself here. Awesome stuff.

I know this looks cool, but can you read anything on it? xD

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What a sad story T.T

My favorite font! and Johnny Cash! xD

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I swear Billy Joe’s head keeps getting bigger.

This song was one of the few that I liked from the album~

Last post of the month! #75!!! xD

Dominoes - wwf

Animated for the WWF (the wildlife… wrestling is no more for a long time now) by Wyld Stallyons. I always have a thing for things dealing with domino. Like in V for Vendetta. xD I can’t help myself.

Check it out~

And is that Tempus Sans? I used to use that in school too. xD

Ink - CCTV

Bloody hell, this is brilliant.
I always have a weakness for this type of stuff~~~
Check it out fully here.

“Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer and often the supreme disappointment.” Ansel Adams

Time-lapse, slow-mo, and gorgeous photography/cinematography.

It’s as if it could be all GCI xD

I dunno what this is… title sequence, music video… or just a way to show off rollerbladers xD, but it’s kinda nifty that works any way it wants to work. I love watching the X-Games on ESPN. I used to rollerblade when I was a teen, but now I’m just a chicken shit. xD But still love to see people flying~~~ xD

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Stop motion!! xD
I liked the jelly typography x)
and the play-doh!

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