Archives For Fun

Toda Mafalda by Quino

November 23, 2008 — Leave a comment

Toda Mafalda by QuinoWell, just finished reading Toda Mafalda by Quino, which my mom owned but we never bother to finish reading. I only ever read Mafalda on the single strips that are featured on the newspaper, so it was a fun delight to read it all in one go! ^^

Some of the strips are far more fun than others, but nonetheless I enjoyed reading the whole thing as a sequence. I love that while going from vignette to vignette, I could picture friends and members of my family being a little Mafalda inside, as well as a little Manolito, a Susanita, little Felipe… we all have a little Mafalda character inside xD

Though… a big THOUGH – I found the paragraphed text on the history of Mafalda, and other extra info VERY hard to read because of layout, and size of font and amount of info displayed in one page… that’s perhaps the biggest NO in the book. However, doesn’t make it unreadable… if you enjoy Mafalda on your newspaper, you’ll probably enjoy it here as well.

Found this MTV – inside: Yu Aoi, that they probably aired for the release of Dandelion back in 2007 with photographer Yoko Takahashi (aka. Yoko-san) who photographed Yu on Travel Sand (USA, and a bit of Mexico) and Dandelion (Russia).

No subs, does anybody know what they are talking throughout all the video? After the break~

— June 18th 2009 EDIT —

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Another Late Music Post

November 15, 2008 — 2 Comments

Late LATE! +1 month. Bad Amy! xD Trully forgive for all the lateness this month, but I’ve gone through a few dozen of albums… from new listenings to re-listening xD From oldies, to not-so-oldies to new music after the break!

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The ‘hemma’ project

November 15, 2008 — Leave a comment

My friend YoungDoo (Ydoo for short xD) has a really interesting project going on. I will let her explain herself

whenever my friends go on trips to their homes/ home towns/ home countries, i send my camera, Rollei XF 35, with them and have them to save their memories of home/ people to share with me.

none of the photos of ‘hemma’ project will be taken by me, however, i think the concept really works and i can’t wait to see more of my friends’ homes/ home towns/ home countries through their eyes.

^^ ~ Here is the slideshow!

A 2001 film of a girl named Sachiko (Aoi Miyazaki) who befriends a street kid, and the things happening around her due to things she’s done and witnessed in her short past.

Genre: Drama
Starring: Aoi Miyazaki, Seiichi Tanabe, Tetsu Sawaki, Ryo Amamiya, Koji Ishikawa, Yu Aoi
Duration: 1:30hr

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Heh… it’s only 2 weeks since last movie watching update, but I’ve been messing around with my Flixster, so better keep track here…

Oh, forgive… I’ve been a bad movie watcher last month. LOL You will notice~

Here’s what I’ve been watching…

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or should I say… if you don’t know her, but want to know more about her… here’s some videos. I was telling my friend about Margaret Cho after she sent me a link to a video I had seen in 2006 of another comedian. The video IS kind of funny, but it can only be funny a number of times. So I thought I would suggest other comedians to her, but she either doesn’t enjoy Margaret Cho’s humor… or she didn’t find a very good clip.

I understand there might be people who will find Cho’s humor an acquired taste, but I literally laugh myself to tears… especially when Cho does impersonations of her mom. If I had a cellphone (yeah, haven’t bought a replacement xD) I would use Cho’s mom’s impersonation “pick up the phone” as a ringtone xD

Anyway, videos after the break…

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Eri my Love – Finally!

October 23, 2008 — 2 Comments

Saw it. It’s a pity more people didn’t get to watch this…

11-one-or-two-minute-episodes + a five-minute-SP, some of them were pretty funny and showcased Asami Mizukawa’s funnyness. Is it wrong that I laughed so hard when Eri hit Ogurin with the paper-fan?

After the break, enjoy a +1minute of Eri (Asami) impersonating Ruka (Juri), Ogurin impersonating Takeru (Eita) and finally Eri impersonating Michiru (Masami) – Laugh Out Loud moment… well, if YOU’ve seen the series anyway…

I literally laughed my ass off with Asami’s Michiru’s spot-on laugh. Seriously… if you want to watch it, the LJ Juri Community has it~~~ You either need an account or maybe join the community…

So just a few minutes ago, I put on my Hana & Alice DVD, because I felt like watching something silly about nothing at all… meaning it couldn’t be a film, because I would have to pay close attention to it. This is my 2nd time watching the Making Of, and it’s serious but kinda funny. Well, apparently Japanese edition, and Taiwan edition have different Making Of’s – Well, I only could find clips on them on YouTube (JapPart9, JapPart15, TwClip) – the Japanese ones are pretty funny…

I’m trying to rip a clip of my own, but it seems to take forever without SmartRipper. LOL’ Will get back to you with that later on this post… in the meantime – Well, just wait!

Took some Photos…

October 21, 2008 — Leave a comment

, but lost my front lens cap… xD

Seriously… can’t find it anywhere.

I went to the event celebrating the 25 years of relations between Lima and Beijing (you can see some photos here) – and by the end of the show, I thought I lost my lens cap, but it was deep in my camera bag. I grabbed it and PUT THE CAP ON. Next thing I know, I was at home… about to upload my photos, when SURPRISE! My camera had no lens cap!

I thought maybe it fell inside the camera bag like before, but no luck~ I also checked my pockets, but nothing… T-T oh, the sadness…


Is it common to lose lens caps? LOL’ Since I found they sell lens caps for separate, I’m thinking yes… but I only could find it in the Sigma Online Store. You know where I can find a Front Lens Cap for a 55-200mm Sigma Lens?