Archives For Spanish

Hell Friday!

March 31, 2007 — 1 Comment

Ok, this last Friday sucked!

First, there is NO sign of episode 6 of ANTM8 coz YouTube sucks. Then, computer was supposed to arrive today, but it hasn’t and my uncle said maybe later in the night, it’s Saturday already and nothing… I also decided to format my cousin’s laptop… HP laptop. For some reason, it didn’t wanna accept and wipe clean the whole Hard Disk with a copy of XP Professional, so now I’m stuck with a useless HP laptop with only 2GB free. I have to wait for the freaking HP installation CDs now.

I was also trying to make a small network between the computers in my house, because I’m tired of running around when I want to print something from my laptop in the printer of the desktop. So that also blows!! I mean, it’s supposed to be so easy, but for some reason it just REFUSES to work properly. I have officially rebooted my machine over 10 times today. And the Microsoft Support Center? Yeah, not much support in there… It figures.

After all was said and done, I ended up having a chat with Mrs. Cow inside a bun. It turned out she was from Hamburg – actually, I learned some things today. First, that thing we, in Spanish, call “Gentilicios”, it’s called “Gentilics” or “Demonym”. I also learned that people from Croatia are not Croatians, but Croats, and that people from Hamburg are NOT Hamburgers, but Hamburgians!

There you go, tell other people!

Today was the day Discovery Channel was gonna premiere The Lost Tomb of Jesus, the James Cameron documentary that everyone is fuzzing about. However, Discovery has decided to postpone the date to April 29th.


Couldn’t you come up with a 15sec video telling me so? I had to fucking google it up to find out????


El documental producido por James Cameron que ha sido la comidilla de todos los especialistas, religiosos, creyentes y no creyentes, El sepulcro olvidado de Jesús (The Lost Tomb of Jesus, 2007) se transmitirá este domingo 18 de marzo a las 8:00 p.m. en Discovery Channel

FUCKERS, couldn’t you let me know WAY BEFORE March 18? I had to fucking go INTO the Discovery Channel FORUMS to FUCKING FIND OUT????

From Discovery Channel Forums,

Desafortunadamente, hoy me informé que a través de un comunicado de prensa, Discovery Channel postergó la emisión del programa El Sepulcro Olvidado de Jesús. Según el informe de prensa esto se ha debido a problemas técnicos de ajustes de los interesantes programas, que Discovery Channel emite diariamente en Latinoamérica, exceptuando a la emisión en Argentina, quienes tienen un sistema menos complejo. El programa “El Sepulcro Olvidado de Jesús”, estará en las pantallas de televisión, el día 29 de Abril de 2007. Según establece la fuente oficial, la medida anunciada no se debe a presiones externas, tales como la interposición de demandas en tribunales por organizaciones cristianas, entre las cuales se cuenta el conglomerado fanatismo de las Iglesias Evangélicas, quienes ven un perjuicio en sus interes, la eventual difusión de ese documental televisivo.

La emisión de tal programa televisivo auspiciado por Discovery Channel estaba propuesto para este domingo 18 de Marzo a las 22 horas, sin embargo no podrá salir al aire debido a problemas internos que tiene la programación del Canal.

Hemos de esperar que esta postergación tenga por finalidad, llevar a cabo un idóneo trabajo para la difusión definitiva del programa “El Sepulcro Olvidado de Jesús”, que millones de seres espirituales en Latinoamerica y el mundo entero, está esperando verlo, y no asumir una sesgada prudencia ante la amenaza de eventuales demandas judiciales que podría verse afectado Discovery Channel por su difusión.

El “Quijote de la Mancha” no habría esperado intromisión alguna antes “Molinos de Vientos” y menos ante un “perro que ladra no muerde”, y que es señal que Discovery Channel está avanzando en su misión de ofrecer información acerca de descubrimientos que podrían hacer reflexionar la conciencia espiritual de todo el mundo y ser motivo de una probable revolución espiritual.


Buzzy Bee

March 16, 2007 — Leave a comment

This past week has been really really busy, while designing CD Artwork, re-programming a website, talking to clients for future projects, writing my series pilot, trying to write my short film, and designing a book. *phew*

I feel tired just thinking about it all…

It seems like a lot… but not a lot of money, so it kinda sucks.

Anyway, I took some time off to watch ANTM8, the episode was OK. I felt sad for Jael, but holy crap~ Britanny’s photo kicked ass. I loved her expression, it was great~ I was also glad to see Sarah doing good… she had great eyes in her picture. :)

Brittany on the Candy Photoshoot
