Sudden Yu Aoi Searches

September 20, 2009 — 5 Comments

There’s been a 500% (or even more, I suck at math) in Yu searches today. Like in the last minutes of last night, there was a sudden 1/4 rise in total visits, so I wondered. I have found nothing extraordinary, so if something has indeed happened regarding Yu, please leave a comment. LOL

In my search, I found two nifty stuffs~~~

Spoon Magazine - Yu Aoi - Oct09 - Off-shoot

Yu’s site has some off-shoot snaps of the newest issue of Spoon Magazine. Now I want to see those scans… xD Like mad. I need them. I can’t wait for them. I did not know I could get like this for magazine shoots. Blame it all on my photography huntings as of lately~

And~~~ in case you were interested in the term Mori Girl, I found a GREAT post talking about it… from the same blog where I found all about Gutai – been checking some of his other posts, and there’s loads of interesting things to read.

Amongst the magazines welcoming the movement were Spoon, Fudge and Spur. Favoured designers were Cocue, Tsumori Chisato, Cuccia, and Scandinavian brands (or faux-Scandinavian brands) like Minä Perhonen and Marimekko (every Mori Girl aspires in some deep way, it seems, to be Swedish). The Mori Girl’s fictional archetype was declared to be Hagu, the primal, pretty art student from Honey and Clover.

Bolding mine. Cue, Julz~~~ xD


She vaguely aims to visit Scandinavia one day.

and one that made me burst out laughing.

“But what’s the appeal of Mori Girls to men?” Hisae asked me. “Oh, it’s quite simple,” I said. “They look so wholesome that we can’t help wanting to make them dirty.”

Buahahaha. Still makes me laugh. xD

Read all about what is to be a Mori Girl, if you fit the bill to be one… and how to be one, with fashion links, brands, items, celebrity names, etc, etc and more over here at click opera.

with a blond mohawk, I doubt I rank high on the Mori Girl criteria, xD
but I do like some fluffiness… xD

5 responses to Sudden Yu Aoi Searches

  1. when I saw the post I rushed to the imdb site and found out that her filming schedule is still awfully empty.


  2. I doubt any announcements will show up first on imdb, though. I think most Japanese projects take a few weeks to appear there.

    Anyway, just made another quick search. I hope it’s not because of this interview on the newest issue of, which I’m not entirely sure it’s a very good personal/professional career movement. We’ll have to see.

  3. LMAO
    Swedish girls are so lame

  4. oooohh
    if Yu wants to come here I so want to host her!!

  5. I think you should learn Japanese, and put your special Swedish hosting service for Japanese idols company. xD

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