… voy a alegrar tu tristeza
vamos a hacer una fiesta
‘pa que’ste amor crezca mas.
In all seriousness, most snarky Peruvians would probably mock Gianmarco’s vocal abilities, but I don’t know any of those snarky ones that would mock his composition skills. I think there’s a strong 90% who would praise them. Hoy by Gloria Estefan is one of the most popular ones he’s written, and the video was shot in Cuzco to top it all.
And Hoy isn’t even the most complex of the songs he’s written. But it’s still a really good one.
Quickie literal lyrics translation after the break.
Verse 1
I’ve got etched on my chest
all the days that time
didn’t let me spend here.
I’ve got faith that grows older,
that goes with you and cures me
ever since I met you.
I’ve got a lost footprint
between your shadow and mine
that’s not letting me lie.
I’m a coin in the fountain,
you’re my pending wish,
my will to revive.
I’ve got a constant morning,
and a watercolor waiting
to see you painted blue.
I’ve got your love and your luck,
and a steep lil’ road,
I’ve got the sea on the other side,
you’re my north and my south.
Today I’m going to see you again,
wrapped myself in your clothing,
whisper me in your silence
when you see me coming.
Today I’m going to see you again,
making happiness out of your sorrow,
let’s throw a party
so this love can grow more.
Verse 2
I’ve got a line hanging
between my lips and the pillow,
which undresses me before you.
I’ve got a beach and a town
that go with me at night
when you’re not by my side.
Chorus 2x
Gianmarco and Estefan even managed to keep some key elements in the English version of the song, which they titled Wrapped [1]. Now that it’s becoming so popular to do “versions” of songs, I wonder what the song would be like in Mandarin, Japanese, Korean… and okay, maybe French.
I love love loved that video (and song) when it first appeared xD
Coz it got your Peruvian heart thumping?