BiBi Zhou – The Imperial Dragon’s Glorious Nine Days

August 10, 2012 — 2 Comments

So~~~ Bibi’s got a brand new Chinese epic song that she’s done for some video game, and her voice sounds perfect. xD And since the lyrics of the song are tiny (just a few lines), I decided to give them a go.

Written by: Jam You Music Studio (积木鱼音乐团队) / Ju Weiwei (鞠维维)
Composed by: Jam You Music Studio
Produced by: Ronald Ng (伍樂城)… and Yang Ying (杨颖) [Angelababy???]

So here’s the song: Video is out~
Well, I wasn’t too far off the mark ;P

Yu Long Yao Jiu Tian

Feng huo qi gong xian yin bing ge ban xiao yan
Wo long cheng ying yu xian ma ti jing hong yan
Wan jun zhen zhang ban po yi jiang deng yun dian
Luan shi jin zheng rong xian yu long tian di jian

Tan jiang shan bu jue ruo xian
Xiao ying xiong lai hong qu yan
Jia yi qi chao chen zhu dian
Hua fang ji zhan po yuan qian
Jin jia yu xue hou dong he shan
Yu long zai tian

Ling cang qiong dang qian ye zhong qing ying kai xuan
Ping tian xia guan liu mian yu long yao jiu tian


The Imperial Dragon’s Glorious Nine Days

The flames rise, the bowstrings hum, war accompanied with the smoke of guns.
Wolong city adorned with tasseled feathers [1] as horses’ hoofs frighten the young beauties.
A great battle formation along a slanted hillside, one general enters the cloud summit.
The mortal world within its limits, with exalted prominence, the Imperial Dragon between heaven and earth.

Admiring the neverending landscape,
the hero’s laughter is always on the move
ridding on a saddled horse to transcend earth to chase electricity,
transforming into a halberd [1] to defeat the abyss.
A golden armor soaked in blood, a loud roar to move rivers and mountains,
the Imperial Dragon in heaven.

Rise high to the blue dome of heaven to shake a thousand fields,
the timed stone chimes [1] welcome a triumphant return
to the peaceful world, crowning with a tasseling Imperial crown,
the Imperial Dragon’s glorious nine days.


Los Nueve Gloriosos Días del Dragón Imperial

Las llamas crecen, las cuerdas de los arcos susurran, la guerra acompañada del humo de las armas.
Wolong adornada con plumas [1] mientras que el galopar de los caballos asusta a las bellas muchachas.
Un gran batallón se conforma en la colina sesgada, un general entra a la cima de las nubes.
El mundo mortal dentro de sus límites, con elevada importancia, el Dragón Imperial entre el cielo y la tierra.

Admirando el paisaje sin fin,
la risa del héroe siempre está en movimiento
cabalgando para trascender la tierra en busca de la electricidad,
transformándose en una alabarda [1] para derrotar al abismo.
Una armadura dorada cubierta de sangre, un estruendoso rugido para mover ríos y montañas,
el Dragón Imperial en el cielo.

Elevándose a lo más alto del domo azul que es el cielo, para hacer temblar mil campos,
el sonido de  las piedras campaneantes [1] dan la bienvenida a un retorno triunfante
al apacible mundo, coronando con la corona imperial,
los nueve gloriosos días del Dragón Imperial.



烽火起 弓弦吟 兵戈伴硝烟
卧龙城 缨羽现 马蹄惊红颜
万军阵 长坂坡 一将登云巅
乱世尽 峥嵘显 御龙天地间


凌苍穹 荡千野 钟磬迎凯旋
平天下 冠旒冕 御龙耀九天

金甲浴血 吼动河山

2 responses to BiBi Zhou – The Imperial Dragon’s Glorious Nine Days

  1. 经验收集网 September 6, 2012 at 10:42 pm


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  1. YAM Magazine » Archive » Bibi Zhou – Close Friend - November 14, 2013

    […] favorite Super Girl is back, for realz this time- no random singles [1][2] [3] to stay in the spotlight or promoting anything; just one good old fashioned album release […]

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