Unofficial Yu Aoi Film Discussion post. LOL
Has any of you gotten the chance to watch Tamatama yet? (are there subs out?)
I just… can’t shake the feeling that it wasn’t good, but because I like Yu-chan so much, I let it go. Plus, she smiles a lot and attempts to river dance. LOL
There’s a lot of weird things going on in there, and I can’t help but thinking “is this how Japanese people see Ireland?” Or is this how Mayumi Komatsu sees it? Anyway, I want to hear your thoughts.
I doubt I’m going to do a proper discussion for this one, unless fansubs get released, which I doubt. In any case, I thought the movie should have gone the More Girl route, and make Yu-chan some sort of forest gnome or something (there I go with my idea again…). Because she was some sort of “being,” right? They way people wanted to poke her and treated her like a thing.
Also… forgive the lack of updates this February xP or the lack of Yu Aoi substantial posts. Anyway, on March I’m hoping to upload a lot more photos since I’m going to Taiwan (various cities) and then a quick stop in Seoul. I’m excited!!!
So please, bear with me!
Guess I had to do it for a long time. Say THANK YOU.
So a lot of information and love for Yuu-chan. I read your blog so long (2-3 years) and get their information from your blog, but my English is really so bad. But tamatama … I could not pass^^
What are your impressions of the film? It’s not even a full movie, but the message that Mayumi Komatsu wanted to send. I think he did it.
You just feel the atmosphere & Yuu-chan in this image is perfect.
A my friend (also a fan of Yuu-chan) said that he didn’t really like the idea of ​​a girl as a white sheet of paper. It has no character, because the paper xD. And at the same time, the main character.
But just in my view a movie about something else. About tamatama 8D After all, everything is exactly what happens in our life. Really the movie gives hope.
And thanks to Ireland’s movie is full of freshness and feelings, relaxing. I have so many thoughts about “Tamtama”.
I wish you a great trip^^v
Hi, Christina! Thank you for the kind message! Where are you from? Do you speak Japanese?
I feel like I didn’t fully understand Tamatama, but I did feel it was some sort of experimental movie. Every time I would think “This is weird.” then I would see Yu-chan’s smiley face and keep on going ^^
I know a lot of people who didn’t like it, though.
Hope that you don’t stop leaving comments now that you’re out of the dark! Thank you for reading my blog for so long :)
Hello, Amy! Let me introduce myself, my name is Siska and I’m Yuu-chan’s big fan (and your new subscriber) ;)
Recently I watched her movie Tamatama, and I’m dying to discuss it! Didn’t find any forum which reviewing this movie. :(
I saw Tamatama without subtitle and don’t really understand it, but I can feel it. Don’t you feel a bit sad at the ending? Also, I fell in love with the scenery. To tell you the truth, I really love this movie because Yuu-chan just fit right in it. Ireland (or other scandinavic places) always a good idea don’t you think?
So happy to finally find your blog and you got so many information about her! :”D I think her fans is not that many..further informations about her are kinda rare (been searching in tumblr,youtube,etc)., nice to meet you..sorry I’m not good in English,.
Hi, Siska! Always good to have Yu’s fans popping around :) Where are you from?
I haven’t re-watched Tamatama since then. I do think Japanese like to see “exotic” locations, as Scandinavia (or in this case Ireland) is always a good example – You should check out the movie Kamome Shokudo (not with Yu, but about a woman who moves to Finland to open a restaurant). It’s always beautiful to see their forests, and Yu as the Mori Girl that she is (or was) fits perfectly in the scene.