What do Mamamoo and Chulpan Khamatova have in common? They all came together in a weird dream I had last night— now, the details are getting murkier, but I was walking down the street of the house where I used to live, which magically turned (I’m supposing) into some street/random place in Russia where I met Chulpan. What makes it all the more weird is that I haven’t seen Chulpan-related movies or series lately.
Suddenly we were at some high building which feature, I suppose, an incredible view of the city. It felt like we talked a lot in English… and French. I don’t even think Khamatova speaks French xD Mamamoo comes up over the fact that I, for some reason, tell Chulpan about Mamamoo. LOL AND Bryan Cranston comes up because he somehow got mad over the fact that I was talking to Chulpan about them. Hahahahaha. The dream made so little sense that the moment I woke up, I did so laughing.