Obviously, not so safe for work.
We’re talking about The L Word here. Better safe than sorry.
You really should know that I have nothing to post right now. So this is mandatory posting. What can I say about this? I can’t remember how long it’s been since the end of the show (2 years?), and I can’t remember what it was about. I was watching this video, and I kept saying “oh, yeah… I remember that”.
The more I think about the show, the more I not-so-secretly wished that they could make a Japanese version. LOL And you know Meisa Kuroki has won me over with the ‘tude. I can now totally picture her as Carmen.
Oh Shane, u always made me in to a lesbian for a full hour every Friday night *le sigh*
I knew about Lword before it started showing here in Sweden. The media here made a huge deal about it, they did the same with Real Housewifes. So I watched those shows from the get go!
snort, you watched Real Housewifes? LOL the reality tv show? xD
I meant "desperate housewives", rofl see what happens when I try to comment without coffee in my sysmtem….