Yu Aoi for Anan

June 4, 2010 — 1 Comment

Trivia bit?

This issue came out on March 2010. Yu also appears on the Anan covers for March 2009 and March 2008. And she’s got at least 5 Anan covers in total, though I dunno their dates.

How I noticed? I name my photoshoot files with name of magazine and date of publication, and if possible… photographer, though that usually happens with publications in English.

via this yam blog user. [non YAM relation]

Oh, Yu-chan… I’m sure anyone will read anything you tell them to, if you smile at them with that ear to ear smile you always sport and is so contagious. Books and manga, any kind of stories~

And as a bonus, the other March Anan covers.

The last cover is the one she did in Honokaa (for the film).

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  1. personal.amy-wong.com – A Blog by Amy Wong. » Blog Archive » High School Teacher 2003 – Koukou Kyoushi - June 9, 2010

    […] the title is so bland, and I don’t normally do jdramas. However, while looking for the latest Anan photoshoot, I ran into a post that talked about a “rape scene” [on ep08] in the series, so I went […]

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