I have been using Rikaichan and Perapera-kun for about 2 years know, and it’s really improved my reading skills. Though, I am still lazy to remember how to actually read the kanji out-loud. LOL
But now I have been using Google Chrome a bit more than when it first came out, because it’s faster and it’s just there. However, since I browse so many Japanese and Chinese sites, I always end up browsing through them with Firefox because of my add-ons. LUCKILY! Google Chrome has add-ons now!
Rikaikun is like a lighter version of Rikaichan, works just like it.
and Zhong Wen, which is pretty much a light version of Perapera.
thank you, Chinese Hacks~
All I’m missing is a Koren one, which Perapera said they were working on. I wonder what happened to that business… haven’t seen updates since then.