Gosh~ I was so unwilling to add Shia LaBeouf, but I know I must suck up my subjectivity, and just freaking add him despite me not really liking him. He’s pretty annoying when he talks (after all, he’s one of those new generation Disney kids), but I’ve watched a couple of his films, and yeah… whatever, he’s got 2 franchise under his belt.
So why is he on my #7 spot, if I hate him so much? Some small reasons. The first, he was on A Guide to Recognizing your Saints. And he’s also showing up on New York, I Love You — but at this point who isn’t, right? Anyway, those two movie choices tell me that he is willing to do something else, and given that Hollywood seems to love him, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s receiving every script that’s on the market. Huge possibilities right there~~~