Okay, last time Marcia totally blew up in my face – but that’s hardly my fault, right? But nothing to lose on supporting Toni Collette now…
No one could play 4 characters like Toni does. xD From crazy obnoxious T, to proper but scary Stepford wife Alice, to weeny-less Vietnam vet Buck – LOL, I love Buck. Oh, and don’t forget ‘it’. Toni can play “it” too.
It’s early for award season, yada yada yada~~ I know, but these turned out pretty nice, no? Free to post out and about if you are a fan of the show, or Toni, and feel she should be Best Actress next. Here’s the complete set~~ INCLUDING, one more of Tara and the alters group, one of T, one of Alice, and one Buck. Oh, how I wish there was a picture of Gimme or whatever ‘its’ name is spelled.
baw 2/4