Please, Sample some Bibi Chow

November 25, 2008 — 4 Comments

I know some *coughjulyssacough* tried to sample some Bibi Chow [aka. Zhou Bichang] but couldn’t. I just found out… you can sample all of Bibi’s music (sans download, I think) on her website. But ALAS! If you google Bibi Chow you won’t find her website… so I will make it easy. Bibi’s website is – call me CRUISE, but I thought that was kinda NOT obvious… but oh well, okay.

It’s Flash-based, so can’t give you a direct URL to the music, but follow  this:

  1. enter and wait for it to load.
  2. on the green menu [commonly known as the main navigation], click the first option
  3. you are on bibi’s desk now. there are 4 items on the sub-navigation.
  4. click on the 3rd item of the sub-navigation. this item will open the stereo on bibi’s desk.
  5. the stereo has its own navigation to go through bibi’s music [misc., EP, NOW/WOW + other stuff, and Who Touch my Violin String]
  6. listen away…


Or… you know, I found you some links. Can’t make sure they all work… just try.
cpop sharing LJ [letter B of course]

4 responses to Please, Sample some Bibi Chow

  1. get me the albums cus my itunes are craving for it!!!

  2. none of the links worked?

    on another topic, my dad told me that when i call his cell Bibi plays as my ringtone hahaha

  3. missed the links! *runs to get some bibi*

  4. have it! love it!! woot woot

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