Amy is Watching~~

October 2, 2008 — 1 Comment

… what am I watching this TV fall season? It’s TV talk!! I went through 2 seasons of Dexter last month in a whim… and I just recently finished watching season 4 of Weeds, which I wasn’t so happy with, even though I heart Mary-Louise Parker. But what is moi watching now?

Well since TV…. here isnt’t er… very prompt with seasons – roughly waiting an average of 3 months for popular shows, and more… even a whole year – I’ve got to find other ways to watch, because I don’t like waiting.

So what the heck am I watching? First thing I began watching this season was House M.D – You watch every Tuesday night, I watch every Wednesday early in the morning. I need more focus on House this season, and hasn’t happened much in the first 3 eps. I kinda missed and not missed Wilson, but PI kinda irks me – like I say… I need more House witty and sarcasm. I also wouldn’t mind some Thirteen (sorry, still not used to the name, ha!) … I like House picking on her, because Olivia Wilde’s face looks so funny when House does. xD Cuddy… I was promised some Huddy action this season, so I am anxiously waiting for that. xD

Marit Larsen - The Chase

I know, last season… but I’m a Huddy fan, what can I say xD

After House, Desperate Housewives began~~ 5 year jump, WOOSH~~ Still not liking Susan, sorry! Eva Longoria was kinda funny with Carlos and Juanita. I actually wasn’t so intrigued with the season’s mystery, but I’ll see it through~ I want to see more of Bree, as always~~ And more than Edie’s appearance in the limo, I was shocked when she apologized. Total SHOCK.

Same Sunday, Dexter began too… after a REALLY strong first season, I didn’t feel the 2nd, even though it was a pretty good season. The first one left me HOLY SHIT! – The third one, seems to be interesting, but still not pulling me. I might wait for the season to end to watch it all in one go~

And last night, Pushing Daisies began – Bryan Fuller Fangirl! Though the first episode seemed kinda long~~ I found Olive’s scenes really funny (with Aunt Lily, LOL!), but it feels the reviving the dead and find the mistery is getting kinda old. I love Lee Pace, and I liked Season 1 Ned, but it’s beginning to feel like plot device.

So that’s all I am watching on TV, which doesn’t sound so happy, HA! Also, no time to focus on more~


One response to Amy is Watching~~

  1. I have no teve but I heart streaming sites! The only thing I’m currently watching is GG cus ed westwick is my shame fuck….o yesssss

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