Archives For wordpress

I read this article on Yahoo titled 5 Movies a Girl Must Watch, and blah.

And you know what I think about Chick Flicks. Anyway, the author of that Yahoo post says this:

Here is my list of romantic (not necessarily comedies) movies a girl must watch. And if you are a guy, I guarantee you WILL score brownie points if you plan an evening with your wife/girlfriend and one of these movie DVDs.

What do you think? Are these Romantic Comedies? Which one is your favorite Romantic film?

Favorite Romantic Movies

  • Other [add a comment] (29%, 6 Votes)
  • Beauty & the Beast (24%, 5 Votes)
  • You've Got Mail (19%, 4 Votes)
  • My Big Fat Greek Wedding (19%, 4 Votes)
  • The Holiday (10%, 2 Votes)
  • Serendipity (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 21

vote away~ (poll is also on the sidebar)

how do you like the new voting plugin?

I was looking into this for a few days, and I was thinking of giving priority to Sharing but since half my traffic uses freaking Internet Explorer, I have decided to give priority to my Google Adsense. Why are you guys still using Internet Explorer?

There is a new issue between the new WordPress version, the Share Button plugin and Google Adsense that makes Google Adsense NOT appear on Internet Explorer (version 8, I believe), which cuts seriously on my ad clickings. The WordPress forum post says it’s a “resolved” issue, but deactivating the plugin is hardly resolving the issue.

Anyway, so there will be no easy sharing until someone fixes that plugin, or someone suggests a better plugin to me. Which one will be faster?

using Posterous

May 29, 2009 — 1 Comment

let’s see how this works.
posting to blog, fb and Flickr… though, no image to upload.
though, I should… let’s add that blinking gif.


/* edit*/

Well, I did various test posts through Posterous with my FB and Flickr accounts… and of course, WordPress, which seems dandy. Won’t really be using it much, unless I’m away and stuff. There’s not much point to doing it when I can access my blogs and all other accounts.

Perfect tool for travel blogging! *hint to you, Julz*

or event blogging… almost works as Twitter, but better. Because you can post to Twitter, and Blogs and all… ALL, at the same time. Easy breezy~~~

The only thing I can’t control is categories and tags. I wonder~~~

Testing it out… you’ve noticed?

Seems to be okay, though I got a bit confused when my Google account wouldn’t let me be my own ‘admin’ automatically… sighs. Just had to sign off completely~~

In case you may be interested… it does seem like it could be a good tool.

Here’s the Google Friend Connect section, and in case you want to implement this with your WordPress, this plugin seems to do the trick for the moment.

So please, if you’ve got a Google account, use it for the comments ;) and subscribe.

Today, two years ago, I began using WordPress!

I’ve gone through… several WordPress updates (some of them messing up with the website), many CSS styles~~~~ and a LOT of topic changes AND even MORE~~~ category additions~~~ and of course, one of the first proper posts was a rant, coz Amy loves ranting. xD However, in those days and age~~~ Amy ranted about many topics into one post~ the rant turned from a Dixie Chicks forum heated discussion, to how crappy Jennifer Hudson winning an Oscar was. LOL I still feel the same way though~~ Rinko Kikuchi so totally kicked major butt there~~~

Topics haven’t changed much actually… I still rant about Oscar, and AM so into Japanese films. Haven’t seen much Rinko Kikuchi since then though… as I am still waiting for Brothers Bloom to come out anywhere I might be able  to watch.

Similar to today, a year ago… well not exactly today, since I didn’t blog on March 3rd 2008 –  but 7th, I blogged Julyssa’s Greta Garbo’s book gift. WOOOOOOO – Julyssa!!! It’s been a year since that gift!! Thank you SOOOOO much. Greta Garbo photographs are sooooooo AWEsome. Ne? xD

So thank you, WordPress~ Two years together! xD

Let’s see… *amy opens google calendar*

4 days (technically 3) to Independent Spirit Awards – which I already voted for. If you get i-Sat, they will be broadcasting it on Saturday at 5pm GMT-5.

Following that, ACADEMY AWARDS. BIG BIG day, probably live blog Red Carpet, and complete ceremony. Plus, Hugh Jackman will be hosting, and he’s hot and funny. That’s on Sunday 8pm GMT-5, probably red carpet will beging 3 or 2 hours before that~~~

Next week (25th)~ Backstreet Boys concert! LOL’ I am excited, after missing the one in Vancouver because embassies SUCK hairy balls. On the music front, BSB mania probably begins on Sunday night after Oscar.

6 days after that (March 3rd), anniversary #2 for this WordPress blog.

And finally, on Sunday March 8th – Final two-hour episode of The L Word. Which reminds me… we are on what- episode 5 already?? Where’s Clementine Ford. I demand Shane and Molly scenes!

Testing New Theme

November 18, 2008 — 2 Comments

You enjoy? Hmm… still tweaking, but I think that’s for tonight. I’ve got some French stuff to listen to, and it’s already almost 1a.m. Since it was just a little tweak, I’m thinking… Days of Amy. LOL’


Going back to the other style for a while, in the meantime~ here’s a capture of the new one.

Days of Amy - Sample

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Time for a Change?

November 17, 2008 — 2 Comments

I am thinking of re-styling this place (my mom is also thinking of changing the color of the apartment) – but am undecided. I have 3 pretty different ideas… opinions?

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WordPress 2.6!

July 15, 2008 — 4 Comments

Logged in a few minutes ago to find there’s a new WP version already. I have an issue, though~ This comes up whenever I click on the “Add Image” in the “Add media” bar.

Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘media_admin_css’ was given in /****/****/public_html/****/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 311

ALSO, If you click on this post WP shows me a 404 ERROR. What’s happening!! Permalinks that include index.php are not working, so Categories are not working, Pages are not working, Archives is not working. Will stop blogging, until issue is fix.

De-activated Flexible Upload, and the WARNING Message in the Add Image went away. Still got the 404 Error with the permalinks, though~ Le sigh.

Successfully downgraded to WordPress 2.5.1

***EDIT*** 3.36am
Successfully edited permalinks without index.php, will try WP 2.6 later. Off to bed.

****EDIT**** 3.03pm
Ok, that worked. AM now using WP 2.6, but as u can see all links don’t have the index.php thing. LOL’ Good WP move so people have to make the switch to ‘pretty’ permalinks. Hee. Ok, not so funny. It was pretty annoying… this is what you need to do to change it…

Get your .htaccess file, and add this:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

Then go to your WP admin, go to Settings, Permalinks and do your thing.

After that, WP 2.6 is all dandy. Otherwise, go to the WP Forums coz they’ve got another option.

I once received a comment that I thought was freaky spam from a bot, that apparently turned out to be a real person. Though I still have my doubts~~ But still freaks me out. I hate obsessive spam.

Anyway, I was checking my spam queu, and came upon a spam comment that at first read I thought was a real comment. Hahaha! I was so impressed with it that I messaged my friend and she told me she couldn’t tell how this was spam, until I showed her the last bit of message. Here’s a capture of WP’s Dashboard.

Holy Shit - Smart Spam

Which makes me wonder, did actress Meredith Henderson really left a message in my old old OLD website when I had the guestbook that erased itself?? I hope she did, that was a fond memory, as well as the message that ANTM Cycle 7 contestant, Megan Morris, left on my MySpace. I don’t hang around MySpace much these days though~~~ le sigh.