Archives For funny

Taking the advice of “other Amy“. [ps. you’re welcomed to refer to me as “other Amy” in your blog, LOL]

Funk felt so… SO inappropriate to watch. I wanna say I loved it, but I will need a second view. I mean… I always knew Finn and Will were alike… and that the way for love is PURE HATE. Also, watching pregnant un-wedded mothers shaking their money-makers to It’s a Man’s World, I just kept waiting for a baby to fly towards the camera.

Anyway~~~ next week is the season finale!

Here is my quote of the week~

Sue: You know, for me trophies are like herpes, you can try to get rid off them, but they just keep coming. You know why? Sue Sylvester has hourly flare-ups and burning, itchy, highly-contagious talent.

Or should I say scene? or situation?

Because, oh Principal Figgins! You do believe vampires are real!

Principal Figgins: It has come to my attention that the look you [talking to Tina] sport is what is known as “Goth”. American teens are coming down with a serious case of Twilight Fever, transformed from normal children into vampires obssessed with the occult, and only yesterday this dark specter reared its head at McKinley High.

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One of the highlights of Glee — besides the over the top sap, musical numbers, and teenager-ness — is how crass Sue Sylvester is. I still worship the “Yes, We Cane” line.

Anyway, on a very candid 30-min interview, Couric asks pretty much everything about Lynch, from her beginnings as an actress, on why Glee is such a big hit, and why people love Sue Sylvester. My favorite bit of the whole thing? Couric asking Lynch about people that can’t accept gay people. Lynch’s response?

There are some people who will never shift. And that’s OK. They’ll probably be dead soon.

Totally burst out laughing.

Interview below the break~

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I totally spit everything on my desk, when my friend sent this over.

Of course, you do know I pimped Bi and Hyori to western audiences last week.

Just saw her on an interview with Jonathan Ross, an even though she used some of the same jokes. This clip is worth the watch, if you’ve never seen her. Oh, those whores of Babylon~

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Last night was the Whedon episode, featuring Neil Patrick Harris.
Can I just say I love NPH even more?

Glee didn’t quite feel like Glee with Whedon directing. Maybe it was because the episode wasn’t really over-the-top like other times, but it wasn’t overly sappy, either. Whedon’s style seems to just flow… or maybe it was the storyline.

Anyway… did you miss the irony of this one scene?

Bryan Ryan: Sue, you’re an impressive woman. I can’t tell you how much you turn me on right now. You ever heard of the term “anger sex”.

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Please, if you haven’t seen The Host (Gwoemul) — not the Twilight series writer one — and are thinking of watching, watching it subtitled and not dubbed. PLEASE.

Don’t believe me? This is why~

Sure, that scene is supposed to be funny… but that dubbing is HORRIBLE.

I liked the episode a lot, even though it wasn’t over-the-top funny, but it was a good episode overall. The Kurt storyline still gets to me. I always feel so sad for him.

Having said that, I was thinking of adding another Brittany quote, but I thought Rachel needed a little bust. I mean, she is often the character you want to hate, but I thought her annoying was funny this week.

I am like Tinkerbell, Finn. I need applause to live!

*claps hands* I believe in fairies!! I do, I do! xD

I know Glee has much MUCH more budget than Popular ever did, so we are judging on funny. Sure, Glee doesn’t make up songs, but still it’s great when they don’t take themselves too serious. Though, I am a sucker for their Keep Holding On, even if I really disliked the Avril Lavigne version one. Also their My Life Would Suck Without You – you know what I think of Kelly Clarkson’s music. Meh.

So I was looking for a funny Glee performance… I was gonna choose Sex You Up, but I thought the kids should fight it off with the cast of Popular. Bring it!

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I couldn’t stop laughing the first half of the episode.
can this show get even more gayer? xD
I mean… that Physical video was~~~ xD

but what got me once again is Brittany…
that girl and her one-liners~~~

Artie: Uhm, excuse me. Why is she here?

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