Archives For environment

Tokyo Film Festival 2009The Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF, not to be confused with Toronto LOL) has just announced that Mexican director Alejandro Gonzales Iñárritu (Amores Perros, Babel) will be presiding the 22nd edition of the festival to be held from  October 17 to October 25th this year.

Also… like I’ve mentioned before, the Tokyo Film Fest, alongside the Shanghai Film Fest are quickly turning into the most important in the region.

Anyway, as all things West media… when you search for the news, you get the articles talking about how dolphin documentary The Cove wasn’t allowed to open the festival. With titles such as “Will Tokyo Film Fest man up and show The Cove?” or “Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is Tokyo Film Festival.”

That is why I was so disappointed that our film, after winning awards in the last 13 film festivals it had entered, was rejected by the Tokyo Film Festival, whose theme this year is green. Not that it is that much of a shocker, but the main goal for making the film was to shut down the cove in Taijii, Japan, where 2,300 dolphins are killed every year.

Remember that time when Hayden Panettiere got in trouble in Japan for eh… I dunno, swimming with the dolphins?

But you know, dolphins are cute this is why it deserves a documentary (and it will probably win an Oscar for it if the cuteness continues). Penguins are cute too, I admit it (and they also won an Oscar, LOL). But cows aren’t. This is why cows don’t get a documentary, and we all get to eat meat regardless of how they are slaughtered.

I’m usually not a big fan of this one-side documentaries, because I’m pretty sure they won’t show how Taiji sees this as a way to sustain its town. And it will be all about saving the dolphins… and the people saving them. – I’m looking at you Panettiere. xD – I wonder if they give an alternative to sustain the town’s economy, as well as ranting about how people kill dolphins. You know, it’s fine to show the problem, but it’s not much use without a solution. So we stop hunting them, then what? How would they survive? Please, they’d better not suggest “Dolphin Watching” or I’ll shoot myself. As far as I’m concerned, we shouldn’t be allowed on “x-animal watching” ever and allow the disturbance in their habitat.

Anyway, this has turned into a rant instead of reporting. LOL

I love eating. I love meat, I can’t live without it. A meal without meat feels not done.

One of the reasons I can’t be a Buddhist – I tried a Buddhist meal once in Hong Kong. So good, but gone so fast. Had to eat again 2hrs. later. Perhaps, I can suggest watching Departures? Things sometimes need to die for you to survive.

Here’s The Cove website.

Here’s a bit more on the Film Festival timeline~~~

Also, when I was 17-ish… I used to sort of look up to PETA, now I just think they’re pretty annoying. Perhaps they should try to change the way they preach. It seems like they just lost something along the way. Like their sanity.

Crap! Now I’m really in the mood for some Sirloin. T-T

Blog Action Day!

October 15, 2007 — 1 Comment

Don’t worry! It’s still Blog Action Day! – This year I join to talk about  something related to the environment!

The main problem in Lima (besides from dangerous streets) is pollution. I remember arriving from Vancouver, and leaving Jorge Chavez International Airport and suddenly feeling light-headed and dizzy on the way home. I think it is quite amazing to breathe the amount of carbon dioxide that Limeños breathe each and every day.

Which brings me to my topic! Now, if for some odd reason I end up being president for a day (which Julyssa would refuse, because she’s the first female Peruvian president for like ever) – what would I do for the environment (in Lima anyway)?

Drastic measures are needed. Garbage burning is part of what gives that particular stench while walking around town, so first – we could implement recycling laws that give economical rewards for those who do, this would make garbage picking more efficient. Take biodegradable rests and use it as compost, glass should be reused as well as carton and paper. Plastic could be used to create and better roads, like in India (The Hindu).

Studies by the Indian Roads Congress and other bodies has found that when plastic waste is melted and mixed with bitumen in a particular ratio. Roads laid with plastic waste mix were found to be three-times stronger than conventional roads. Rainwater does not seep through because of the plastic in the asphalt. And as each km of road with an average width requires over two tonnes of polyblend, using plastic will help reduce non-biodegradable waste.

Vehicle regulation would be 150% more strict than it is now, and over 50% of cars circulating in Lima, including the majority of public transportation, emit black smoke that would normally not pass any other country’s testing. This will decrease the number of cars circulating the city, therefore diminishing the gas emitted in the atmosphere… we would not only have less cars, but less people committing transit infractions and participating in strikes because they don’t want to pay their tickets.

As president, I would encourage people to buy green vehicles (e.g. Hybrid cars) by decreasing taxes and insurances, and increasing the ones of oil-motored cars and those who don’t pass the environmental testing.

Man, I just wanna get rid of cars in Lima.

I would also better not only roads, but also streets and sidewalks. Encourage people to walk more, though I would also need to tackle safety in the streets. So be sure to know that I would be harsh on people who break the law by mugging others… not to mention other crimes.


How about using cow feces, a.k.a. cow poop, for energy? Haaretz News‘ got something about it.

Biomass. Last week a Granite Harcarmel group firm said it has invested NIS 40 million in a facility that can burn 600 tons of cow feces a day, mainly to rid the world of unwanted byproducts and secondarily, to produce power by creating steam.

We coud also begin plans on creating Green Homes, though they are %25 more expensive than regular homes – we could just dump this price difference to other home owners who are screwing more and more with the environment. Lol’ now I’ve passed from being serious about this, to joking about it… be for sure, it’d be nice to start implementing the Green Life solutions despite the price.

So think about it, leave a message if you feel like it. That’s all I can type for today.

A little more blogging!

October 11, 2007 — 2 Comments

October 15th is Blog Day or something… and we are supposed to get talking about the environment that day. Oh yeah, blog day is a day when all people could blog about this one topic… I think it could be interesting, yet I really don’t know what I could talk about relating to the environment, so if you’ve got an idea, let me know.

Also, I re-started watching America’s Next Top Model Cycle 7, which has just began last week in Latin America through Sony Entertainment Television. So people, if you get Sony – tune in every Wednesday at 8pm Chile/7pm Peru Colombia and support CariDee, AJ, Megg, Megan, Michelle and Amanda! Lol’

I’m gonna show-off and say “zomg! I still can’t believe Megan left a message in my MySpace” haha – she’s awesome! Megg also sent a short message, so Rock ON!!!!!!!! ^^

Also began watching The Tudors, season 1, on People and Arts – I missed the episode on Sunday, and the repeat seemed like it was censored because it kept on going to commercials at weird intervals. It was okay, though… I was expecting more. I guess I’m gonna feel like this with The Other Boleyn Girl, which is a shame – it might be a better read, than watching it on screen.

I’ve also been meaning to watch Weeds, I’ve seen the first 2 or 3 episodes, and it was really good. I was looking for the DVD, and it was really cheap, but it turns out season 1 of Weeds is only Fullscreen, instead of Widescreen – and Lionsgate has no plans on re-releasing this as a Widescreen DVD. STUPID LIONSGATE. They just want $$, so people that don’t wanna buy the Fullscreen DVDS have to get the Widescreen Blu-ray discs – now, I haven’t even started buying neither HD or Blu so I won’t start just now.