Blog Action Day!

October 15, 2007 — 1 Comment

Don’t worry! It’s still Blog Action Day! – This year I join to talk about  something related to the environment!

The main problem in Lima (besides from dangerous streets) is pollution. I remember arriving from Vancouver, and leaving Jorge Chavez International Airport and suddenly feeling light-headed and dizzy on the way home. I think it is quite amazing to breathe the amount of carbon dioxide that Limeños breathe each and every day.

Which brings me to my topic! Now, if for some odd reason I end up being president for a day (which Julyssa would refuse, because she’s the first female Peruvian president for like ever) – what would I do for the environment (in Lima anyway)?

Drastic measures are needed. Garbage burning is part of what gives that particular stench while walking around town, so first – we could implement recycling laws that give economical rewards for those who do, this would make garbage picking more efficient. Take biodegradable rests and use it as compost, glass should be reused as well as carton and paper. Plastic could be used to create and better roads, like in India (The Hindu).

Studies by the Indian Roads Congress and other bodies has found that when plastic waste is melted and mixed with bitumen in a particular ratio. Roads laid with plastic waste mix were found to be three-times stronger than conventional roads. Rainwater does not seep through because of the plastic in the asphalt. And as each km of road with an average width requires over two tonnes of polyblend, using plastic will help reduce non-biodegradable waste.

Vehicle regulation would be 150% more strict than it is now, and over 50% of cars circulating in Lima, including the majority of public transportation, emit black smoke that would normally not pass any other country’s testing. This will decrease the number of cars circulating the city, therefore diminishing the gas emitted in the atmosphere… we would not only have less cars, but less people committing transit infractions and participating in strikes because they don’t want to pay their tickets.

As president, I would encourage people to buy green vehicles (e.g. Hybrid cars) by decreasing taxes and insurances, and increasing the ones of oil-motored cars and those who don’t pass the environmental testing.

Man, I just wanna get rid of cars in Lima.

I would also better not only roads, but also streets and sidewalks. Encourage people to walk more, though I would also need to tackle safety in the streets. So be sure to know that I would be harsh on people who break the law by mugging others… not to mention other crimes.


How about using cow feces, a.k.a. cow poop, for energy? Haaretz News‘ got something about it.

Biomass. Last week a Granite Harcarmel group firm said it has invested NIS 40 million in a facility that can burn 600 tons of cow feces a day, mainly to rid the world of unwanted byproducts and secondarily, to produce power by creating steam.

We coud also begin plans on creating Green Homes, though they are %25 more expensive than regular homes – we could just dump this price difference to other home owners who are screwing more and more with the environment. Lol’ now I’ve passed from being serious about this, to joking about it… be for sure, it’d be nice to start implementing the Green Life solutions despite the price.

So think about it, leave a message if you feel like it. That’s all I can type for today.

One response to Blog Action Day!

  1. Of course I wouldn’t let u be president but how about minister of culture? I think that would suit u.
    But let’s talk enviroment.
    I know the situation in Lima and other great cities of south america are critical. One of the many reasons that I don’t fly over any more is the great love I have for my lungs.
    The problem in Latinamerica right now I belive is the unabilty to think of the future. Everything that is build is build for today and the goverments seems not to be thinking that other generations are yet to come.
    Sometimes I look at Peru and think that the swedish model would work wonders there, but then again only 9 million swedes reside here and that is a drop in the ocean when it comes to Peru.
    I don’t know if u remenber how I was telling u about the way houses are build here Amy, all that stuff of natural AC. Well not only that but every single house and deparment that is build right now in stockholm is in almost 90% made out of recyclied materials. All our roads are made out of old plastic bottles or tires. We recycle all of our cans and plastic bottles (we get a small amount of money for that) We have special recycling “houses” near so that we are able to recycle or own trash( I’ve been down there throwing stuff like almost every day, recycling paper, glas, electrical material and other stuff) I guess that here in Sweden we are more concerned about the future than in Peru and therefore we do our cut to mantain the enviroment as clean as posible.
    Only last year the goverment passed a motion that stated that every car that passes through stockholm had to pay an enviroment fee, this resluted in more people leaving their cars at home and taking public transportation. Hybric cars don’t need to pay seeing as they are enviroment friendly. The fee money are then used to improve roads, improve public transportation and other stuff I cannot remenber know.
    I mean even the water I drink is recycled!
    But for this model to work in for example Peru, u need money. Money to build better trash stations, recycling areas, a working public transportation.

    If i could be presindent for one day i would:

    * Improve the infrastructure of Lima, as u were saying, better rodes, sidewalks, more lights so that streets don’t give out the vibe “i’m so getting mugged here”

    * Start one huge public transportation service that involves all of Lima. All buses would be hydric and we would have bus stops and buses that run according to a schedule.

    * Give the permition to investigate if it is possible to build a metro in Lima

    * Throw funds on the universitys of Lima asking for the profesors there for ideas on how to improve Lima.

    * Rebuild all trash stations, build them underground or in suitable places. Find ways to recycle the trash.

    * Water recycling plants

    * Rebuild all plumping in Lima

    * Order people to use low energy lamps in there houses

    * Use solar and wind power to make energy

    Oki I’m stopping now cus my list would be to damn long!

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