PepsiCo Bring Happiness Home 2016: The Monkey King Family

Pepsi is prepping for the upcoming year of the Monkey in the Lunar calendar and Chinese horoscope with a commercial on the legendary Monkey King full of nostalgia and tradition. The recount of the generational Monkey King is a bit choppy, but it gets to its point.

Brand: Pepsi Cola
Product: Chinese New Year “Bring Happiness Home” Limited Edition Commemorative Pepsi Can
Client: Danielle Jin / Shine Wei / Lia Pan / Yumiko Wang
Agency: CIVILIZATION Shanghai
Creative Director: Alex Xie / Stephen Zou / Miya Wang
Writer: Miya Wang
Art Director: Stephen Zou
Agency Producer: Guo-Jun Yu
Client Management: Grace Dong / Abby Yu
Production Company: NUTS Film
Film Director: Andrew Lok
Assistant Film Director: Ling-Song Yu
Cinematographer: Ke-Nan Qi
Post Production: NUTS Film
Editor: Didi Xu / Yin-Jian Lu / Shao-Hua Huang
Producer: Didi Xu
Colorist: Ying-Jie Zhang
Music & Sound Design: Allen Zhang

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