Happy Chinese New Year – Kong Hee Fatt Choy! by khairilfz
Happy Earth Ox Year!!!
I tend to say I’m an Oxger, well… because people always used to say “1986 – Tiger” so I always thought I was a tiger until the day I was writing a small write-up on it, and went “wha? WAIT! wait a minute… I’m not a tiger?”
And with the couple of years of reading, I always noticed I’ve got both of their traits. So I decided… Amy’s an Oxger xD
Other cool Oxes? Well, Yu’s an Ox – It’s Yu’s year!!
I know not to trust everything I read online, but Ox year is supposed to be good for Oxes (Yay for Yu, Yay for me) – but then again, if the horoscope I read is right… I rather it NOT be. It’s a pretty horrible year for BOTH my parents who are Monkey and Horse. So I’d rather they have a better year, than me having an extraordinary year. I’m happy with the ordinary, if it means better for other people.