OMG, I’ve died and gone to heaven~~ LOL’ After the disilusion that Memories of Matsuko will only be released as a PAL Region 2 DVD~~~ I’ve set my eyes on this pricier DVD item.
Itches inside! LOL’ Because I’ve got the previous ‘Special’ edition… and I hate it oh-so-much when they do that. Releasing such an uber fancy DVD edition. I don’t think I’m doing it for the shorts Vincent and Frankenweenie, which are also feature on the DVD that I’ve got… not even doing it for the extra disc of the digital copy… I mean *rolls eyes* – Juno 2-Disc-Special Edition my ASS. That was just an excuse for charging extra for the single disc. – But that Jack Skellington bust…. *SWOON*

Jack Skellington Bust - Collector's 3-disc-DVD Edition
I mean, isn’t it GORGEOSITY! And it comes with a couple of nifty extras… and cute stuff, like~~

Jack Skellington with Sandy Claws Hat and Beard~
Sandy Claws’ hat and beard~~~~ HOW CUTE IS THAT??? Kidnap Mr. Sandy Claws??????? xD
Should I buy, or should I wait???? Should I just add it to my list of things to buy? GOSH! Disney, I love to hate you!