Let’s take a moment to learn a little bit more about
what the Internet is today…
Let’s take a moment to learn a little bit more about
what the Internet is today…
I get it, social media is hot right now.
I’ve seen it working… sometimes, but I’ve also seen it rendered pretty useless.
I know the importance of Social Media for up and coming stars, and I’m all for them having Twitter accounts, Facebook Groups, MySpace accounts, etc. Even if I think creating your OWN Facebook Fan Page is a bit lame. I mean it. It’s called a fan page for something. It’s meant to be handle by fans, not you.
It’s like creating your own Fan Site. I really like it when stars work with their fans on their fansites, but don’t open a website and call it a Fansite. Call it Star Name Official, but not a Fansite. Just saying.
I understand the importance of Social Media and the rise of some people, especially independent artists. I actually think it works great. But I don’t suggest all my clients getting Social Media accounts, especially if these clients are already well established people and pride themselves for their traditional values and their quality.
Off-topic example, Bjork’s a great performer. She’s a visually stunning artists, and she’s well respected. She’s got a very useful website with great info and media material from photos, videos, tour info, etc. Perfect website, but her Twitter is pretty… not… useful. Her MySpace is okay-ish… and her YouTube account should be useful (even if YouTube deletes some of the stuff, WTF right?), but her Twitter is kind of a waste. Probably just because her label requires her to get a Twitter account.
Bjork doesn’t need to talk to us about her project, I think she just wants to live her life normally without people fawning over her whenever they see her, so she doesn’t need to have # of Followers trying to send her tweets about what she had for dinner, or telling her how ROCKING she is.
On the other hand there’s Tom Cruise. He’s got more than 100k Following him, but it’s only the webmaster talking. Again, why? Because Tom Cruise doesn’t really need a Twitter account, but he wants to be hip (he’s management requires him now?) so he gets his official Tom Cruise Twitter account.
So yes, Social Media is okay, but not everyone needs to get into it.
It’s hard when all clients go to you telling you “I need to get into Facebook/Twitter” and when you ask, “Sure, what do you plan to make with it?” They only tell you “I don’t care. I just need to get into it.” Please, don’t make me waste my time. If you’re going to do this, you’d better do it right. You hire a Social Media team, and you get them to work it. I ain’t gonna be handling those for free.
I have already talked about this whole Social Media with Julz when she went to Japan, and I told her how I would use a Twitter account, but I don’t feel like I need an account now. Many of my friends do, but most of them just have it laying around there. Funny thing is, all of them are designers.
btw, I do love Fictitious characters tweets. LOL
As long as they are funny. I still wanna work on that Twittermovie.
Anyone would be interested? I’ve got too many projects lying around.
And I need cash. <- this is a plea for Ad revenues.
let’s see how this works.
posting to blog, fb and Flickr… though, no image to upload.
though, I should… let’s add that blinking gif.
/* edit*/
Well, I did various test posts through Posterous with my FB and Flickr accounts… and of course, WordPress, which seems dandy. Won’t really be using it much, unless I’m away and stuff. There’s not much point to doing it when I can access my blogs and all other accounts.
Perfect tool for travel blogging! *hint to you, Julz*
or event blogging… almost works as Twitter, but better. Because you can post to Twitter, and Blogs and all… ALL, at the same time. Easy breezy~~~
The only thing I can’t control is categories and tags. I wonder~~~
Slowly, I have been noticing that Flixster is one of my favorite and most used, if not THE most used application I’ve got going on my Facebook profile. It’s not that I love their website, but I like how handy it is on Facebook (I’m still an IMDb user at heart xD) Continue Reading…