Archives For Illustrations

New-old articles up

September 25, 2007 — Leave a comment

I’ve given up, this is what I’ve been working for a while… Continue Reading…

According to Julyssa, anyway…

My friend Nate went to Serj’s Bday. See him here… He can’t drink though. He puffs up like something that puffs up… I know, he told me so.

Nate at Serj's Bday

If you don’t know who Serj is, well… you may know him from Continue Reading…

Y: The Last Man

August 11, 2007 — 1 Comment

Been re-reading Y: The Last Man, pretty much addicted thanks to Kyle. And now, Cammy is addicted to it thanks to me. If you wanna be addicted to it too, PM me. lol’

Here’s a little image:

Y The Last Man

Some time ago, I found a little graphic that illustrates work very well, so I’ll share :)

Good, Cheap & Fast

Those are the three basic elements in a project. You will never be able to get the three of them together… in a realistic project of course! So you can either get a GOOD project done FAST, but it’ll cost you $$$ – Some people want it GOOD and CHEAP, but that will take time. Other will want it FAST and CHEAP, but it will probably NOT be good.

So… whenever your client asks you, show them the graphic, and tell them they get to choose… it’s good for you, and good for your business!

Brazilian electro-pop-funk group, CSS (Cansei de Ser Sexy), is holding a music video contest with Italian QOOB.

Please, click on this link and register so you can vote for my video!! Well, the site is in Italian, and I know some people will be discourage to register, but you can still watch it through there.

If you still feel like letting me know your comment, and you have a YouTube account, click here.I also got myself a new CPU, from what I have seen so far – it’s at least 3 times faster than my laptop. LOL… I think almost anything can be faster than my laptop nowadays.

It’s been a busy week. I have been working on three different computers… and one of them was quite annoying because formatting sucks, especially if you’re an HP user. Windows sucks too, by the way. And the stupid Support Center, it’s pure rubbish.

Nothing else here, I think. That’s pretty much all. Working on music video, some printing and loads of formatting and installing and complaining.