Battlestar Galactica – Shows You Should’ve Watched

January 16, 2010 — 1 Comment

Of course, if Mob read this blog every day, he would comment “I told you so,” and told me so he did. He pestered me about watching Galactica all 2009, and I began watching it then, but the first season took me ages to finish, due to anger issues. However, I got over them and watched the second season, the third and the fourth.

This is my Galactica advise. Watch the four seasons.

I was told to begin BS with the Miniseries, which was pretty rocking but made season 1 a bit redundant, in my opinion.

I was told to skip the first set of webisodes, and watch Razor… the Galactica film, which didn’t do anything for me. A lot of fans liked it, but it didn’t do much for me.

Finally, I was told to watch the final set of webisodes, which weren’t bad, but didn’t do much for me either.

So just watch the full four seasons, and you’d be plenty happy. At least, that’s what I think from the point of view of a non-fan-girl.

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way. I had a love/hate relationship with most of the characters of the show, that’s only due to the great writers of the series who managed to turn this characters into real people with issues and mistakes. Obviously, some of those writers were also involved on writing for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Duh!

There were a lot of transformations on this storyline. On season one, it was all “yeah! The cylons are the bad guys! kill’em all!” However, once the humans (led by the idiot (though fairly elected – what does that say about the people and demoCRAZY) Baltar) settled on New Caprica, and the Cylons establish a sort of… er… forceful government, but a government nonetheless, in which they wanted both Cylons and humans to live together… I could not bring myself feel pity for the human “rebels” ~~~ more like terrorists, I say.

And that’s the thing about Battlestar… and good sci-fi, you can always relate the stuff that’s happening in there with real-world issues. And let me tell you, Battlestar had a lot of good political talks. Ethical and moral issues, and it’s never black and white, and they point it out for you “sometimes you gotta do the smart thing, over the right thing.” At least that’s how I felt during the talk with the idealistic idiot, Fat Lee Adama. A lesson the disillusioned idealist Gaeta didn’t learn on time.

Of course, there’s also the characters… or should I say the female characters? Because, let me tell you that I was annoyed at 98% of the male characters. Except for maybe Admiral Adama… LOL. The biggest turn-around for me was Colonel Tigh whose attitude I didn’t like at the beginning, but ended up one of my faves. But like I said… the guys were mostly idiots! While the girls were kinda rocking, even when they were acting crazy.

My favorite of course was Starbuck.

She’s a total badass. I love it.

She could be a total asshole from the beginning, but she’s got what to brag about, and she gets shit done. The best is that she’s also got issues of her own that makes her character sympathetic. What is Starbuck? I have no effing idea. But she is still so badass on that episode, when she shoots that guy… you know? Don’t spoil it or anything, but I totally cheered when that happened. Does that make me a bit violent?

Girls could watch something like this. It’s about goddamn time we get to watch something with strong female characters, that don’t necessarily mop around because the guys aren’t there to pick up the pieces. Women with real issues… identity, belonging~~~ stuff like that.

By the way, why are most women way more attractive than the guys on shows? Like… HELLO! Baltar and Caprica 6… and 3??? LOL and Boomer and Cavil? Hello! Serious issues. xD

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  1. – A Blog by Amy Wong. » Blog Archive » The 100 Greatest Characters of the Last 20 Years – Oh, Really? - June 2, 2010

    […] gotta give it to you for at least including some of the names. You know like Starbuck. Or Stewie from Family Guy… Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean, and Edward […]

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