Catherine on DVD?

December 30, 2009 — 3 Comments


*giggles* sorry, that cover makes me laugh.

It looks like Francophone-DVD distributor Imavision has released the first season. It seems like it’s 10 discs, but I can find no details… I mean, it looks like the first season, but it says the first part, which could be more than the first season… explaining the 10 discs and the expensive price tag.

Also, no info on subtitles or captioning.

This can be purchase through the CBC Shop Online for $59.99 CND (I suppose), at for $69.95 CND, and over at for $69.99 CND — they do free shipping (international, I dunno) with orders over $39.

They’re a bit pricey. I wonder if I should get someone to get them for me. I expect all DVD material to at least be captioned in its original language… no info here. If anyone does, share!

3 responses to Catherine on DVD?

  1. I cannot find any info on subtitles. But this looks like the list of episodes.

    Catherine – L’intégrale: Partie 1 (1998-2002)
    – Dette, La
    – Imposture, L’
    РH̩ros malgr̩ lui
    – Aspirations amoureuses
    – Changer d’air
    – Audiences
    – Jalousie
    – Jeux et enjeux (1)
    – Jeux et enjeux (2)
    – Transformations
    – Entre ciel et enfer
    РDeuxi̬me vie
    РCorps, accords et d̩saccords
    – Nuit la plus longue, La
    – Au-delà des apparences
    – Pari, Le
    – Grand Cirque, Le
    – Trafic d’images
    – Quinze minutes de gloire
    – Tabous
    – Trente ans
    РD̩tournement majeur
    – Coma, Le
    – Tango (1)
    – Tango (2)
    – Cliniquement Grosse
    РFemme ̩l̩phant, La
    РFolles alli̩es
    – Poussières d’étoiles
    РCombats extr̻mes
    – Star d’un soir
    РStress et d̩tresse
    РBoire et d̩boires
    – Petites voix et gros bras
    РPerdue et retrouv̩e
    – Fantasmes
    – Mots dits et maux tus
    – Poules ont des dents, Les
    – Maladie d’amour, La
    РIntelligemment v̫tre
    РHaute fid̩lit̩
    – Obsession
    – Je t’aime moi non plus
    РBris̩ et cass̩
    – Autre, L’
    – Chasseurs
    – Cour et trop court
    – Choix, Le
    – Trouble en double
    – Trahison
    – Pause
    – Noël
    – Mauvaises et bonnes aventures
    – Ex, XX et XXX
    – Abandon
    – Dans de beaux draps
    – Guerre froide
    – Mon meilleur ennemi
    – Omertà
    – Second regard
    – Copie originale
    – Arnaques
    – Parrains, Les

  2. It is 30 hours and seems to have the first four seasons, 1998-2002, but I don’t speak french, so only guessing.

  3. Oh, thanks Bill for the info.
    Seems like a lot of episodes LOL
    IMDb lists the show as four seasons at 44 eps.
    Wonder why they titled it Partie 1. xD

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