A lot of people were mad at the Dead Like Me straight-to-dvd movie, but to be honest~~~ the film wasn’t that bad, except for maybe replacing Daisy with someone other than Laura Harris.
There was this quality about Harris interpretation of Daisy Adair that made you just want to hug her… while strangling her. That quality was missing from the film.
I’m on my Roxy stage, though. I laugh at everything she says.
Did I tell you I finally got time to watch my Dead Like Me collection? I can finally say my Bryan Fuller collection is complete. I went through the first season over the weekend, and I’m going through the second one today. Makes me miss Vancouver.
I didn’t know Laura Harris was from Vancouver xD
My mother knows her as “that girl from 24” xD
Last film I saw her in was 2006's Severance where she played a cool American chick on a team bonding exercise with her British co-workers that turns out to be a very bloody and violent weekend. Good film! :)
…as for what she's up to now. Don't know…maybe TV work has taken over.
No idea who she is!
@Castor, she was the alien in The Faculty. If you didn’t watch that movie, I just spoiled it for you.
I feel like watching The Faculty now.
the season she was in is the only season I've tried to watch. I went abroad to study after a few episodes, and I didn't have a tv… and then I just lost the thread, and my mother lost the schedule, so she didn't finish either xD