Yogashiten Coin de Rue Trailer

Okay, too much Yu-overload this week. My fan-brain can’t handle all this information. Plus, the new film opens nearly one week after my 25th bday –oh, Grilled Cheesus! I’m so old!

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Highlights from the trailer? Hello, tasty pastries? It wasn’t long ago that I was trying to think of nice Foodie films. I think Coin de Rue could be a good candidate. That mousse looked potentially-mouthwatering-inducing.

Second, I love that Yu-chan gets to work with pastries. And this one’s even more about the pastries.

Third, Yu-chan cheek-pulling. I literally burst out laughing when I saw that. Does that happen a lot? I know that in America is considered very “aunt-y” for a woman to pull her nephew or niece’s cheek. I think it happens a lot in Asia. All my Korean roommates (and some friends), we used to pull each other’s cheeks all the time. But then again, there was also some un-wanted Korean spanking.

via Nippon Cinema.

6 responses to Yogashiten Coin de Rue Trailer

  1. This made me hungry!
    Have you watched Antique Bakery?

  2. Muchas veces se envejece con dignidad y sabiduría. Eres del 85 año del buey igual que Yu, algo en común tenían que tener.
    Ya me están aburriendo las películas sentimentales de chefs, ¿será por el boom de la comida peruana?

  3. Oh godness. Yu with a countryside accent? yes! with full of pastries… I'm craving for some sweet right now.
    @00:32 – ….awwww…..*cuteness OVERLOAD*

    About the "nice foodie films", I can't wait to see another good foodie film from Japan as good as Tampopo.

  4. Hace poco vi Octubre y sale un rico huevo duro en primer plano. En la pela de Yu la comida se ve bien rica y ella sale adorable, a lo que me refiero es que la historia se ve un poco superficial. Me dejaste con la duda, voy a hacer una lista de las mejores películas que tengan como tema la comida.

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