Moomoos Will Never Let Go~

Confession; I had been considering revoking my 24/7 moomoo status for a more casual one where I would just listen to the good music, but that doesn’t seem the case after Mamamoo’s Purple Party in Taiwan this weekend. LOL They won’t let me.

I had been considering it because, though my music consumption has gone up, I need to increase my movie consumption. I also need to find the time to exercise once again, which I could easily do while watching movies, but can’t while watching Mamamoo fancams. LOL You’re watching fancams for a reason, you can’t NOT watch them without missing details. They also seem to be doing well financially to the point that they can afford brand stuff that I can’t or would be willing to afford xD

However, after the Taiwan event with fans and listening (then watching) Solar be so moved, asking whether she deserves all this love, it seems unlikely in the near future that I’d be soft ‘drop’ them. I also wanna give a shout out to the Mamamoo Taiwan MooMoo Union because- JOB WELL DONE, you guys~ teaching the fanchants, and doing the event, feeding the staff and even the journalists. You guys did amazing, pushing the bar for fans to behave and show their idols all your love~ You guys make me want to be a better Moomoo.

Also, the Taiwan MC. Super fun. Repeat after teacher. xD

And last, but not least, streamers. What would we do without you, guys.

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