Yu Aoi x GOING UNDER GROUND – Heart Beat

How did I not know about this MV until today? LOL It was released in 2003!

I was going through some of the posts that had lost its YouTube video links, and one of them was this Yu Aoi and MVs posts, and I ended up seeing this video on Tudou, which took forever to load. I wasn’t sure it was a real MV, so I looked it up, and voila! Seems legit~

Song is okay too! LOL

6 responses to Yu Aoi x GOING UNDER GROUND – Heart Beat

  1. This is not my favorite GOING UNDER GROUND song, but I’ll give it a try at karaoke.

  2. Not feeling the song, but I like the video. Brings me back to the H&A days!

Trackbacks and Pingbacks:

  1. personal.amy-wong.com – A Blog by Amy Wong. » Blog Archive » Yu Aoi’s Updated Wiki Entry - May 16, 2011

    […] GOING UNDER GROUND - ハートビート – Heart Beat (1) […]

  2. Yu Aoi Updated Wiki Entry #2 | personal.amy-wong.com - A Blog by Amy Wong. - May 16, 2013

    […] GOING UNDER GROUND - ハートビート – Heart Beat [1] […]

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