My friend sent this over to me, Crap Logo Yourself~
So I made a new YAM Mag logo! Yeah… right~~~
Also! MySpace getting a new logo?
Say what? Well, I guess any change would be a better brand than the one they had… right?
What’s up with flexible branding now? What’s happened to good old school “this is our brand”? Now everyone wants to put wacky stuff next to the brand, wants everyone to customize… makes you go crazy!
But I got to be honest here. I might not love it, but I don’t HATE it.
via TechCrunch.
It’s like “Oh! It’s blank!” Okay… wacky photo! and then there’s the “my” I can’t even tell what type is that. It’s not Helvetica like the article says – it’s too roundy. Don’t you think they should’ve kept the 3 little guys? Is MySpace the only social network doing commercials on TV? I recall seeing MySpace CMs… maybe twice or a bit more. Isn’t that counterproductive? I don’t know what the brand is doing. Who are they? Who uses MySpace the most?
I mean… bands, it used to be good for bands, but now – aren’t most bands hosting their own music and video players? Using their own self-hosted websites?
I only log into my account when I get a seemingly-important message, but otherwise… it’s just sitting there.
I've found myself back on MySpace recently promoting my site. I think it works as a way of networking between music/film/marketing/PR types but as a social-friends network it's a long way behind Facebook.
I've done that for artists that don't have websites. But otherwise, I just email them with the info in their websites. And most bands already have a "press" section, so I don't even need to contact them, just download their hi-res stuff xD