Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 – Trailer 2

Oh gosh~ what are you doing to me, Harmony. Even in that short scene, you know the one? It just… it doesn’t compare. LOL I hate to love you. It’ll never be the same.

[iframe width=”560″ height=”349″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/YzfEH0UPEBo?rel=0″]

Also, is it me or is Grint having a little more acting umph? Never been a fan of Ron… or Grint. I don’t know if it’s the character, or the acting… maybe a bit of both. But Ron being mad, I kinda bought it.

7 responses to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 – Trailer 2

  1. …can November come any sooner!

  2. No, coz we'll cry… and then puke during that final scene in part 2. To be honest, the old versions of the characters look awful because they just look like little kids in old people makeup. They should have cast different people.

  3. You know, as much as I love this trailer, I can't help to think that I've already watched DH with this trailer and the previous one combined.

  4. My sister gets married the day Harry Potter comes out. I've told her I won't be there for the evening's dancing/drinking. That didn't go down too well. Of course, I relented, Harry Potter will have to wait! ;)

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