Cinemax Latin America – Tekkonkinkreet and Yu Aoi!

August 28, 2008 — 3 Comments

What are the chances… really~~~ to become a fan of Juri Ueno and having the chance to watch Swing Girls at Centro Cultural Peruano Japones???

And now, what were the chances of watching Tekkonkinkreet not long ago… buying it online just a couple of days ago, and learning that it will be playing all throughout September on Cinemax Latin America??? So rejoice television surfers~~~ the zapping will end when being able to watch this, ‘coz it’s totally worth your viewing. Plus, it’s Yu Aoi… once you know Yu, her voice is very recognizable. Here’s what the Cinemax-LA website says about the film….

En la Ciudad del Tesoro, donde la luna sonríe y los niños pueden volar, la vida puede ser tan apacible como brutal. Allí dos huérfanos tratan de sobrevivir, mientras intentan proteger a sus habitantes de la mafia yakuza.

The two orphans, named Kuro (Black) and Shiro (White), make perfect compliments. Amy loves herself some compliments because it reminds her of symbols, and Amy loves symbols… for OBVIOUS reasons. xD Okay, maybe not so obvious… but whatever, that’s why they’re called “symbols” because they’re not obvious. LOL’

Anyway, knock yourselves out~~~ Here are the times for Cinemax Este and Cinemax Oeste – If you don’t have anything fancy (meaning just Cable Magico) you have Cinemax Oeste.

Cinemax-E 11:15 Sab 30/8/2008 | Cinemax-O 13:15 Sab 30/8/2008
Cinemax-E 15:45 Jue 4/9/2008
| Cinemax-O 17:45 Jue 4/9/2008
Cinemax-E 17:30 Vie 12/9/2008 | Cinemax-O 19:30 Vie 12/9/2008
Cinemax-E 14:15 Lun 15/9/2008 | Cinemax-O 16:15 Lun 15/9/2008
Cinemax-E 07:15 Dom 21/9/2008 | Cinemax-O 09:15 Dom 21/9/2008
Cinemax-E 14:00 Jue 25/9/2008 | Cinemax-O 16:00 Jue 25/9/2008
Cinemax-E 11:00 Mar 30/9/2008 | Cinemax-O 13:00 Mar 30/9/2008

Oh yeah, they are also showing PAPRIKA… which is a really good anime film too. Bit on the trippy side, but if you like dreams, you can check this one out~~

Atsuko es una psiquiatra que ha desarrollado una máquina que le permite entrar en los sueños de sus pacientes y estudiar sus mentes. Pero cuando roban este artefacto, solo una persona podrá recuperarlo: Paprika.

Cinemax-E 15:30 Mie 3/9/2008 | Cinemax-O 17:30 Mie 3/9/2008
Cinemax-E 15:00 Lun 8/9/2008
| Cinemax-O 17:00 Lun 8/9/2008
Cinemax-E 15:30 Jue 11/9/2008
| Cinemax-O 17:30 Jue 11/9/2008
Cinemax-E 14:30 Mar 16/9/2008 | Cinemax-O 16:30 Mar 16/9/2008
Cinemax-E 09:00 Sab 20/9/2008 | Cinemax-O 11:00 Sab 20/9/2008

And on the line of more animation (anime) re-runs! Cinemax will also be showing the following…

Cinemax-E 08:45 Dom 31/8/2008 | Cinemax-O 10:45 Dom 31/8/2008

Cinemax-E 05:45 Dom 28/9/2008 | Cinemax-O 07:45 Dom 28/9/2008

And the following short-animated film, Maestro
Cinemax-O 16:30 Dom 14/9/2008
Cinemax-O 11:15 Dom 21/9/2008
Cinemax-E 18:00 Jue 25/9/2008

3 responses to Cinemax Latin America – Tekkonkinkreet and Yu Aoi!

  1. Hahah it’s the obsessed amy-fangirl. Cute!

Trackbacks and Pingbacks:

  1. - A Blog by Amy Wong. » Blog Archive » 2008 Films Seen This Past Month - August 29, 2008

    […] Tekkon Kinkreet […]

  2. - A Blog by Amy Wong. » Blog Archive » Time to Discuss! - September 26, 2008

    […] am currently watching and reviewing the DVD for Yu Aoi’s Tekkonkinkreet (which you can still catch on Cinemax Latin America on the 30th), and it got me thinking… I […]

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