Angel – S01x08 – I Will Remember You

January 18, 2008 — 12 Comments

This is one of the episodes that got stuck on my mind. I remember watching it on The WB, back when they showed The WB in Lima~ Oh the good times. I think it was the first crossover episodes, but I could be wrong. I felt really strong about this episode because, well… before I knew what a shipper was, I liked Buffy/Angel… and this episode was just so heart-breaking in the end. However, looking back on it~ hotness ensues. Probably one of the best Angel episodes I saw… but take into consideration I was not a big Angel viewer. At least not after Connor (?) was born…

For those of you who don’t know, in this episode where Buffy appears in the Angel show, he becomes human… and Angel chooses what is right, over what is easy~~ Oh you know what he chose! In the episode, Buffy and Angel kiss quite a lot… there’s the kiss when Buffy realizes Angel is truly human, then there’s the kiss… well, you know. ha! Then there are a whole lot of sweet moments between them, and ending in everyone’s tears~

Here are some graphics, thanks to for the captures!

Angel + Buffy - I Will Remember You - Angel S01×08

Angel + Buffy - I Will Remember You - Angel S01×08

12 responses to Angel – S01x08 – I Will Remember You

  1. esse é o casal mais perfeito que eu já vi em toda minha vida, não há outro igual a angel e buffy, é o casal mais perfeito da série BUFFY A CAÇA VAMPIROS e de todo mundo, tomara que angel e buffy se casem e naum se separem nunca..

    by amo vcs angel e buffy

  2. my favourite episode ever! i love bufy and angel and sarah and david are so good looking, its so sad that they never got back together and got married and had children but i really hope there is a buffy movie though with cordelia lol

  3. Voir c’est personnage en personne

  4. i love buffy and angel they are the best i have all the box sets they should relese some more buffy’s it is not fare and angel should come back to buffy the vampire slayer and angel rock i would love to meet the both

  5. eu amo a buffy tenho todas as temporadas e pra mim buffy e angel sao um perfeito casal.

  6. c’est quel episode ??????????? quelle saison ??????????,
    J’adooooooooore xette série c’est trop biiiiien !!!!!
    je trouve que c’est le plus beau couple ^^

  7. Wow, so many languages on this post.

    let’s try out my French, shall we? Forgive in advance haha

    c’est la premiere saison (le seule saison que j’ai vu completement), l’episode 8.

    S01x08 =D

  8. Est-ce que c’est la série de Buffy contre les vampires, ou celle D’angel?

  9. c’est la serie d’Angel.

  10. buffy and angel are the best couple ever
    vraiment je les aime beaucoup et j espere que je pourrai les voir en personne

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  1. – A Blog by Amy Wong. » Blog Archive » Television Meme - June 1, 2010

    […] Day 20 – Favorite kiss Can I just say… Buffy and Angel? […]

  2. – A Blog by Amy Wong. » Blog Archive » High School Teacher 2003 – Koukou Kyoushi - June 9, 2010

    […] I love dark brooding characters [check Angel and Shane McCutcheon], but couldn’t really see a redeming characteristic in this dying […]

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